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This GIS layer is the product of interpreted multibeam acoustic data charaterising the distribution pattern of seafloor habitats at forty sampling sites within the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve. The three classes that were mapped include hard, mixed and soft substrate. Mappin the Flinders CMR is a prerequisite to understanding the relationships between inshore (shelf) and offshore (slope) habitats and therefore representing a key element in developing effective management for the depth strata across the entire CMR. Habitat characterisation provides the underlying spatial framework for developing models of habitat dynamics, trophic interactions and spatial distribution of marine biodiversity.
This is a high resolution survey (1:5,000 scale dataset) describing mapped vegetation communities for the Ludmilla Creek catchment area (within the City of Darwin, Northern Territory). (Vegetation Unit - A reasonably homogeneous part of the land surface, distinct from surrounding terrain with constant properties in landform and vegetation) This vegetation survey was undertaken in 1996. This dataset represents the vegetation on the ground at the time of the survey and reflects the data and methods used to create the mapped polygons. The dataset has been revised in 2015 to include community descriptions but has not been updated to reflect the vegetation on the ground. The Darwin Remnant Vegetation Survey is considered a more up-to-date representation of vegetation for this area.
This spatial polygon dataset is derived from the 2001 mapping of mud crab (Scylla serrata) habitats along the NT and Queensland coastal wetlands. The polygons were derived from Landsat imagery and verified with field work and is suitable for use at scale 1:100,000. The information can be used in many ways to assist the management of these habitats. It provides a suitable baseline dataset for monitoring broad scale changes in area and composition of coastal wetland communities. Additionally, it provides information required by managers for choosing representative habitats for protection.
This dataset displays the reefs and shoals within Queensland maritime waters. The data has been compiled from numerous sources to produce a state wide coverage. Attributes within the data describe the source and reliability of the data. Data sources include: - The Great Barrier Reef Base Map - Geoscience Australia 1:250000 Topographic Mapping
This polygon spatial dataset describes the mangrove communities for Darwin Harbour and its environs and was surveyed at a mapping scale of 1:25 000. The associated report notes an area of approximately 20,400 hectares of mangroves in Darwin Harbour and describes ten main mangrove associations or communities. The data provides a basis for identifying the extent and distribution of mangrove communities for Darwin Harbour and its environs.
This dataset provides mapping of water bodies and wetland regional ecosystems at 1:100,000 scale across Queensland.
Spatially referenced underwater video transect data for Tasmanian coastal waters from the LWM (Low water mark) to 80 metres in depth or 1.5 kms from shore.
The GBR10 benthic habitat type map is the output of a modelling process that combines satellite imagery and other environmental attributes like water depth, slope and wave climate, along with known occurrences of benthic habitat type. The occurrences of benthic habitat type were derived through machine learning applied to geolocated photos of the benthos (>100,000 photos) that were collected along reef flats and reef slopes at various offshore shallow reefs (~100 reefs). The modelling process involves taking those occurrences of benthic habitat at known locations (training data) and using a machine learning model to build a relationship between benthic habitat type and the underlying data layers (imagery, depth, slope, waves). Because the data layers cover the whole Great Barrier Reef, a prediction is then able to be made for benthic habitat across the whole Great Barrier Reef as well. Contextual editing was then used to make changes to the map, based on a set of geomorphology- and ecology-based rules, such as what environment a class can occur in and what classes are able to neighbour each other (object-based rulesets). This map covers the “offshore” or “mid and outer-shelf” reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Some of the occurrences of benthic habitat type are withheld from the process, and used to check how well the mapping performed at the end (validation). The mapping was carried out by the Remote Sensing Research Centre at the University of Queensland. The scientific method for generating the benthic habitat map can be briefly described as: 1. Ingestion of Sentinel-2 satellite image data, bathymetry and wave climate data derived from Sentinel-2 image data, and various additional derived environmental covariates into Google Earth Engine 2. Stacking of the input data sources into a model-ready environment 3. Running a segmentation routine to create image objects 4. Fitting a supervised machine learning model (e.g. random forest) to known occurrences in order to classify segments into benthic classes 5. Application of object based rules using a range of colour, shape texture and relationship rules to modify the class attribution 6. Validation of mapping accuracy and performance This is an snapshot of the GBR10 benthic dataset taken on Jan 2023 for the Seamap Australia project from the GBRMP Reef Knowledge System (https://reefiq.gbrmpa.gov.au/ReefKnowledgeSystem), see also https://gbrmpa.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=492a87d95e8243728486718e7aed02a8. An updated version of the data may be available from the source provider.
This polygon spatial dataset describes the benthic habitats likely to occur in marine environments around Gunn Point Peninsula and informs the desktop assessment of the marine biodiversity values for the region. The benthic habitats are inferred from existing information but in most cases require further data collection to validate and refine. Habitat modelling forms the basis of benthic community value assessment for Shoal Bay (Galaiduk et al. 2019). The accompanying report Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020) forms part of the Mapping the Future Project - Gunn Point. This project has identified land capability, water availability and biodiversity values to support land planning and inform development potential over the Gunn Point area. Reports and maps can be viewed from the webpage: denr.nt.gov.au/land-resource-management/development-opportunities - Development Potential of the Gunn Point Area (2020) - Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020) - Groundwater Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020) - Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020) - Soil and Land Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020) - Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn Point Area (2017) - Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
The CSIRO’s Oceans & Atmosphere Shallow Survey Internal Facility (SSIF) was contracted by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) of the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in collaboration with Parks Australia, to undertake a hydrographic survey of the Boags Commonwealth Marine Reserve in the southwestern Bass Strait. This site was surveyed in conjunction with other smaller sites for Petuna Aquaculture, as part of a broader survey campaign. All of the sites covered in this campaign are located in the vicinity of the Hunter Group of Islands, off the north-western coast of Tasmania.