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This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Assessing the condition of natural values within priority temperate Australian Marine Parks to evaluate management effectiveness". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Parks Australia has developed an adaptive management approach to the Australian Marine Parks (AMPs), which cover 48% of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone. Key to the success of this framework is robust biological and ecological data to assess the performance of management approaches. The project will collect data to measure the trend in natural values to allow for evaluation of management performance at various levels on the continental shelf regions of four AMPs: Hunter (Temperate East Network), Beagle (South-east Network), South-west Corner and Geographe (South-west Network). These AMPs were selected based on previous partnerships between Parks Australia and NESP projects. This project aligns with Parks Australia’s science plans, supporting adaptive management and addressing emerging threats. Marine sampling and monitoring Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be used to systematically collect data that will provide trusted scientific evidence for decision-makers, aiding in effectively safeguarding the ecological integrity of these marine ecosystems. Outputs • Fish scoring data from BRUV, BOSS and ROV platforms [dataset] • Benthic imagery with annotations from AUV platform [dataset] • Lobster catch data [dataset] • Spatially-referenced highlight videos/imagery for communication purposes [dataset] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Environmental DNA for measuring offshore marine biodiversity: what can DNA in water collected from the RV Investigator tell us?". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Environmental DNA (eDNA) is genetic material that is found in the environment. In marine ecosystems eDNA is ubiquitous in seawater and is derived from everything from bacteria to invertebrates and fishes. eDNA can be recovered by filtering water samples and then used it to characterise biodiversity. Using environmental DNA (eDNA) found in seawater to get a snapshot of the species present in an area is an emerging technology with diverse applications in marine ecosystem monitoring. This project will collect a large eDNA dataset during the Southeast Australian Marine Ecosystem Survey (SEA-MES). The eDNA samples will be taken from the RV Investigator throughout the water column at offshore sites stretching from Tasmania to NSW, including sites within the South-east Marine Park Network. The voyage includes parallel collection of biodiversity data using a suite of conventional methods (nets, cameras, and acoustics) which will allow for an assessment of how eDNA compliments these approaches. The project will provide a new baseline and unique eDNA-based perspective on the biodiversity of the southeast Australian marine region. It will also allow for evaluation of eDNA sampling methods and guidance for design of effective, scalable, and non-extractive biomonitoring tools for marine ecosystems. Outputs • eDNA sequences with associated collection metadata (x2 voyages x50 sites) [dataset] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Delivery of science to support the implementation of a marine park management effectiveness system". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Parks Australia has developed an adaptive management approach to the Australian Marine Parks (AMPs). This Management Effectiveness (ME) system is designed to allow Parks Australia to test the effectiveness of the AMP system and ensure that AMPs are effectively and appropriately managed. Parks Australia have identified priorities for research to assist in the implementation of the ME system, to identify scientific outputs needed for network management and adapt to new issues in the marine environment through the Australian Marine Parks Science Plan. This project will deliver several of the key science needs identified in the plan and will draw on the combined expertise of the partners and scientists within the Marine and Coastal Hub to generate the outcomes which build onto extensive work previously delivered. The project will deliver the following four outputs required for the 2028 National AMP management plan review: 1) Develop monitoring protocols for Tier 1 & 2 priority monitoring sites to assess the effectiveness of management arrangements; 2) Improve workflows for assessing natural values, activities and pressures; 3) Identify and define impacts and management options for emerging industries; and 4) Improve overall understand the entire AMP system through increased collaboration. Outputs • Updated national-scale spatial datasets of: (1) Natural Values Ecosystems; (2) Key Natural Values; (3) Pressures & Activities; (4) Cumulative impacts; (5) Ecosystem-level risk assessment (absolute risk) [datasets] • Refined list of monitoring priorities for AMPs [written] • Monitoring protocols for monitoring priorities [written] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Potential impacts of offshore wind developments on eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda)". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) are listed as Endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC 1999), and their distribution and Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) overlap with areas proposed for offshore renewable energy (ORE) development in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and potentially NSW. This project will quantify the distribution and location of areas of residency (e.g., foraging) for eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whales, where these overlap with proposed ORE developments, and assess the potential impacts of these developments to the species in addition to existing impacts from other anthropogenic activities. The outputs from this project will assist government, regulators, proponents, and other stakeholders in the assessment and mitigation of ORE projects to this threatened species, and will identify future research and associated data collection needs. Outputs • Spatial layers quantifying the relative distribution including migratory corridors and foraging areas across the known eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whale range [dataset] • Spatial layers of habitat suitability distribution [dataset] • Spatial layers for human activities identified as key pressures in this study [dataset] • Spatial layers of cumulative impact score across the species' range including potential threats from ORE and existing threats from other industries [dataset] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Environmental concentrations of emerging contaminants in coastal stormwater". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia’s Waste Policy Action Plan, Threat Abatement Plan for the impacts of marine debris and Australia’s One Health Master Action Plan all refer to the need for emerging pollutants to be incorporated into contaminant guidelines. A scoping study conducted by NESP MaC Hub in 2022 (Project 1.16) determined there is a clear and consistent need for data on environmental concentrations of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and an assessment of their impact on ecological communities. To build an evidence-based understanding of the environmental concentrations of these contaminants and their ecological significance in Australian coastal waters, NESP MaC Project 2.4 was co-designed with end-users to determine environmental concentrations and potential ecological effects at selected wastewater treatment plant outfalls. In 2023, end-users stated a need for improving the temporal and spatial resolution of the current project. Project 2.4 used outputs of oceanographic simulations and other information to identify a small set of locations for sampling that are representative of a range of receiving water contexts. Spatial surveys of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water and sediments were undertaken during the dry period to limit the potential for stormwater inputs, and only one time period was sampled. An implicit assumption of the sampling design was that stormwater also contains CECs and could confound the assessment of contaminants in wastewater. This project (4.22) is an extension of Project 2.4 and will determine the concentration of emerging pollutants in coastal stormwater, and in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, and do so on a seasonal basis. Sampling will be undertaken in two key locations: Gamay (NSW) and Glenelg (South Australia). These are the same locations sampled in Project 2.4 (with a focus on WWTPs) which will enable the concentrations of CECs to be compared at stormwater locations. Outputs • Updates to the National Outfall Database for 2022/23, including proposed new attributes for collection [dataset] • Data from Gamay (Botany Bay) NSW including (1) contaminant levels in water and sediments (2) physico-chemical data; (3) microbial community and genetics composition of water and sediments [dataset] • Timeseries (seasonal) CEC data from wastewater effluent at Glenelg beach area (SA) [dataset] • [Possible] High-resolution temporal CEC data from a stormwater event in St Vincents Gulf [dataset] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Development of regional modelling and risk assessments to inform offshore renewable decision-making". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia is entering a phase of rapid offshore renewable energy (ORE) development, with several regions earmarked for wind farms on the eastern and south-eastern coasts. In considering the environmental acceptability of wind energy projects, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) will assess potential risks to the recovery of populations listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act 1999). The assessment process will consider cumulative environmental impacts at a regional or even ocean basin-scale, in addition to environmental factors specific to ORE. Additionally, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) has identified the need for improved understanding on species, processes and industry activities to support impact and risk assessment. This project will demonstrate the use of two kinds of modelling (whole-of-ecosystem modelling and individual species modelling) to estimate the impacts and risks of installing ORE infrastructure in the Gippsland declared region. The project will use the Impact pathways defined by DCCEEW to structure its approach and methods, and will work with DCCEEW and NOPSEMA to identify priority species and associated data needs. The project will use the recently declared Gippsland region as a case study, together with the 12 ORE impact pathways identified by DCEEW, to contextualise the quantitative modelling and cumulative risk calculations that will be performed. Outputs • Species-specific population models for key threatened and migratory species for the Gippsland ORE region [spatial outputs] • Outputs from Whole of Ecosystem (WoE) modelling [risk-based impact spatial outputs] • Final project report [written]
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Enhancing monitoring approaches to evaluate the abundance, life history and critical habitats of the endangered Australian sea lion". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- The Australian sea lion (ASL; Neophoca cinerea) is Australia’s only endemic pinniped. Populations have declined by more than 60% over the last 40 years to extremely low levels, leading to its endangered status. Known threats to the species include fisheries bycatch, disease, pollution, entanglement in marine debris, and climate change. Improving our understanding of the species’ abundance, life history and critical habitats is essential for evaluating these threats and guiding recovery actions but is challenging due to the species’ unique life-history and breeding biology, longevity, demersal foraging behaviour and occupancy of remote breeding habitat. This project aims to improve the monitoring and inform the management of Australian sea lions by developing cost-effective methods for acquiring abundance data from under-surveyed regions impacted by anthropogenic pressures. To do so, it will: • Apply drones to enhance monitoring at suitable breeding and haul-out sites • Develop efficient techniques to process and analyse demographic data so that survival and reproductive success estimates from a microchipped population at Seal Bay can be routinely updated; and • Continue to deploy underwater cameras on sea lions to identify and understand critical habitats and risks. Findings from these activities will underpin the National Recovery Team conservation efforts, in line with the Australian Government's Threatened Species Action Plan and Healthy Country plans. Outputs • Qualitative and qualitative spatial assessments of breeding sites from helicopter surveys in Recherche Archipelago [dataset] • Drone-collected photogrammetry, FLIR, thermal imaging and LiDAR data [dataset] • Demographic results from analysis of Seal Bay microchipping program [dataset] • Tracking data from sea lion-deployed tags: location, depth, time, temperature, light, acceleration [dataset] • Timestamped video footage from sea lion-deployed cameras [dataset] • Short non-technical summaries to distil the key findings and take-home messages [written] • Final project report [written]
The Seamap Australia National Benthic Habitat Layer (NBHL) is a compilation of benthic habitat datasets obtained from various sectors including research, government, industry and community sources, across Australia. Disparate datasets are integrated into a single national-scale benthic habitat database, and classified uniformly under a national classification scheme implemented as a controlled vocabulary (https://vocabs.ardc.edu.au/viewById/129). For acceptance into the 'formal' (validated_ Seamap Australia NBHL (see https://metadata.imas.utas.edu.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/4739e4b0-4dba-4ec5-b658-02c09f27ab9a), source habitat datasets must meet a set of Acceptance Criteria (documented in https://seamapaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/SeamapAustraliaDataAcceptanceGuidelines.pdf). Broadly speaking, for inclusion in the Seamap Australia NBHL, datasets must: (1) be well-described by metadata or associated documentation; (2) employ a single, consistent classification scheme which avoids non-deterministic or ambiguous terms; (3) bequality-controlled by the provider prior to contribution; (4) beacquired using an established and community-endorsed form of data collection (eg satellite, aerial or acoustic remote sensing); and (5) have documented evidence of ground-truthing validation at the time of data collection (e.g. drop camera, towed video, benthic grabs). This record describes habitat datasets that meet Acceptance Criteria 1-4, but *have not* been validated/ground-truthed and are therefore ineligible for inclusion in the formal Seamap Australia NBHL. They have been synthesised and uniformly classified using an identical methodology to the NBHL, but represent an intermediate collection of habitat datasets that would benefit from field ground-truthing in order to validate the habitat classifications. The Seamap Australia synthesis of unvalidated habitat datasets can be viewed, analysed and downloaded from the Seamap Australia data portal (https://seamapaustralia.org/map). This dataset should be considered a “live” asset and will continue to develop as more unvalidated habitat datasets are collected or made available. The most current (2024) version of the data is available from the following endpoints: WMS: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/seamap/wms WFS: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/seamap/wfs Layer name: SeamapAus_NBHL_unvalidated Various download options are supplied in the “Online resources” section of this record.
This dataset is a mosaicked product of all publicly available bathymetry data within the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The data package consists of 8x bathymetry mosaics (and associated bathymetry derivatives: hillshade, slope, aspect) for each of the 8x Parks Australia Management Effectiveness Ecosystem Component depth zones ("Ecosystem Zones"). The grid resolution of the mosaics has been guided by the depth gridding recommendations of the AusSeabed Australian Multibeam Guidelines (2020) to produce the following mosaics: • shallow zone (0-30m): 10m resolution • mesophotic zone (30-70m): 10m resolution • rariphotic zone (70-200m): 10m resolution • upper-slope zone (200-700m): 32m resolution • mid-slope zone (700-2,000m): 64m resolution • lower-slope zone (2,000-4,000m): 128m resolution • abyss zone (4,000-6,000m): 210m resolution • hadal zone (>6,000m): 210m resolution A systematic prioritisation approach was used to preferentially use newer, high-resolution, and cleaner bathymetry inputs from remote sensing (multibeam, singlebeam, satellite, seismic etc), with Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used as foundational data in regions where survey data was not available. This approach optimised spatial resolution by preserving higher resolutions in shallower waters as supported by the data, while also ensuring the output datasets remain manageable for downstream applications. The result is suite of depth-stratified bathymetry mosaics and associated derivatives that provide full coverage of Australia's marine estate (clipped to the boundaries of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)). All publicly available bathymetry data as at July 2024 for was included. Data can be visualised and used in GIS packages as maps of hillshaded bathymetry and hillshaded slope at the following WMS endpoints: • bathymetry: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/bathy_composites/AusEEZ_bathy_composite_multires/wms?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS • hillshade: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/bathy_composites/AusEEZ_bathy_hillshade_composite_multires/wms?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS • slope: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/bathy_composites/AusEEZ_bathy_slope_composite_multires/wms?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS • aspect: https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/bathy_composites/AusEEZ_bathy_aspect_composite_multires/wms?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS • aspect-slope (for mapping applications only): https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/bathy_composites/AusEEZ_bathy_aspectSlope_composite_multires/wms?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS Data is available for download in the following packages (each structured as 8x mosaics for each Ecosystem Zone at the gridding resolution specified above): (1) bathymetry composites; (2) hillshade composites; (3) slope composites; (4) aspect composites. An ancillary Shapefile footprint index file is also available showing the source data used in generating each region of the mosaics. Note that minimal cleaning of input data was conducted, and no attempt was made to smooth or blend the transitions between swath edges, or between swaths and the underlying DEMs. Consequently, noise and edge effects between adjacent input data may be visible. This should be considered when interpreting the data, and the data should not be used for navigational purposes. See the Lineage section of this record for full methodology.
This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "De-risking nature repair activities in Australian coastal and marine ecosystems". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Scaling up marine and coastal restoration and nature-based solutions (NbS) (“nature repair”) in Australia is necessary to achieve national and international commitments to biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The goal of this project is to guide coastal marine nature repair in Australia at scales relevant to help meet national targets through the following aims: 1) Update a stocktake of the coastal and marine restoration and NbS activities which have occurred in Australia. 2) Develop the evidence-base to de-risk coastal and marine nature repair. 3) Scope a forward-looking coordinated framework to support continued implementation of investments in nature repair of Australia’s coastal and marine ecosystems. Addressing these aims is required to move forward beyond uncoordinated efforts to achieve effective seascape-scale interventions that support the Nature Positive Plan and international targets. Outputs • Updates to Australian Coastal Restoration Network database, and the Living Shorelines Australia database [dataset] • Draft national framework for coordinated nature repair [written] • Final project report [written]