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    This record describes the outputs of two different modelling exercises that were used to characterise the seafloor habitats for temperate Australian waters. The modelled area includes all shelf waters (<250m depth) in southern Australia south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Bioregional benthic habitat maps were constructed using (1) the Geoscience Australia 250m 2023 grid (ref); (2) ground-truthing observations derived from horizontally facing imagery from stereo-BRUV and BOSS camera systems; and (3) several physical datasets as covariates in model development (all oceanographic variables smoothed to 250m resolution). Source data is available from Geoscience Australia's eCat: (bathymetry), Squidle+: (benthic imagery annotations), and (3) AODN Portal: (IMOS oceanographic datasets). The specific subset of GA observations used in this modelling exercise is available from See the NESP Mac Project 2.1 final report for a description of the sampling design for ground-truthing observations and annotation technique. -----Functional Reef model (binomial)----- This model discriminates ‘functional reef’ from sediment (non-reef) ecosystem types. Functional reef is defined by this project as “any seabed area functioning as a reef, which may include dense beds of sessile invertebrates or molluscs”. This term was chosen because much of the continental shelf is dominated by sediment yet is stable enough to support emergent sessile biota that provide structure and resources for “reef-affiliated” species. The modelling approach uses a Bayesian representation of a Binomial generalised linear model. For ground-truthing benthic annotations, the following benthic categories were collapsed into the ‘functional reef’ classification: sessile invertebrates, bare rocky reef (consolidated), macroalgae, Amphibolis spp. and Thalassodendron spp. All other benthic classifications were assigned to the ‘non-reef’ category. -----Ecosystem Component model (multinomial)----- This model discriminates between five broad habitat types (hereafter ‘ecosystem components’): seagrass, macroalgae, sessile invertebrates, bare consolidated substrata, bare unconsolidated substrata. The modelling approach uses a Bayesian implementation of a Multinomial generalised linear model. For ground-truthing benthic annotations, benthic annotations for mobile species (e.g. echinodermata) were discarded. All remaining annotations were collapsed into the five broad ecosystem components. A selection of mapping (WMS) services are listed in the 'Downloads & Links' section of this record. See the 'Lineage' section for a full description of the data packages available for download, and for more visualisation options.

  • An indicative map of the various benthic (sea floor) habitats that occur in the Great Sandy Marine Park (GSMP) was developed in 2019 to support a comprehensive review of the GSMP zoning plan and day to day management of the marine park. GSMP is a Queensland state marine park that extends from Baffle Creek in the north to Double Island Point in the south and includes the tidal waters of Hervey Bay, the Great Sandy Strait and Tin Can Bay and waters seaward to three nautical miles. The habitat map was the outcome of a benthic habitat mapping project in the initial stages of the zoning plan review, that applied the Queensland intertidal and subtidal ecosystem classification scheme to identify and map the marine park’s habitat types. The marine park’s habitat types were derived from “The intertidal and subtidal habitat mapping for Central Queensland” dataset which provides seascape scale ecosystem mapping for Central Queensland state waters extending from the mouth of the Fitzroy River down to Double Island Point. Each ecosystem type is based on information about eight biophysical attributes that drive ecosystem type: benthic depth, inundation, energy magnitude, consolidation, substrate composition, sediment texture, terrain morphology and structural macrobiota. For further information about this dataset see the Wetlandinfo website An expert panel was convened to assist GSMP project staff in identifying a broad list of ecological attributes or characteristics and the different combinations of these, that would most likely determine the types of benthic habitats likely to occur in GSMP. These were further refined to identify marine park habitat types specifically for marine park management. The final marine park typology and map of 23 habitat types, was refined throughout the zoning plan review process due to newly available data, expert input and local knowledge. View the original metadata record at

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Development of regional modelling and risk assessments to inform offshore renewable decision-making". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia is entering a phase of rapid offshore renewable energy (ORE) development, with several regions earmarked for wind farms on the eastern and south-eastern coasts. In considering the environmental acceptability of wind energy projects, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) will assess potential risks to the recovery of populations listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act 1999). The assessment process will consider cumulative environmental impacts at a regional or even ocean basin-scale, in addition to environmental factors specific to ORE. Additionally, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) has identified the need for improved understanding on species, processes and industry activities to support impact and risk assessment. This project will demonstrate the use of two kinds of modelling (whole-of-ecosystem modelling and individual species modelling) to estimate the impacts and risks of installing ORE infrastructure in the Gippsland declared region. The project will use the Impact pathways defined by DCCEEW to structure its approach and methods, and will work with DCCEEW and NOPSEMA to identify priority species and associated data needs. The project will use the recently declared Gippsland region as a case study, together with the 12 ORE impact pathways identified by DCEEW, to contextualise the quantitative modelling and cumulative risk calculations that will be performed. Outputs • Species-specific population models for key threatened and migratory species for the Gippsland ORE region [spatial outputs] • Outputs from Whole of Ecosystem (WoE) modelling [risk-based impact spatial outputs] • Final project report [written]

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    This dataset is a mosaicked product of all publicly available bathymetry data within the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The data package consists of 8x bathymetry mosaics (and associated bathymetry derivatives: hillshade, slope, aspect) for each of the 8x Parks Australia Management Effectiveness (ME) Depth Zones. The grid resolution of the mosaics has been guided by the depth gridding recommendations of the AusSeabed Australian Multibeam Guidelines (2020) to produce the following mosaics: • shallow zone (0-30m): 10m resolution • mesophotic zone (30-70m): 10m resolution • rariphotic zone (70-200m): 10m resolution • upper-slope zone (200-700m): 32m resolution • mid-slope zone (700-2,000m): 64m resolution • lower-slope zone (2,000-4,000m): 128m resolution • abyss zone (4,000-6,000m): 210m resolution • hadal zone (>6,000m): 210m resolution A systematic prioritisation approach was used to preferentially use newer, high-resolution, and cleaner bathymetry inputs from remote sensing (multibeam, singlebeam, satellite, seismic etc), with Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used as foundational data in regions where survey data was not available. This approach optimised spatial resolution by preserving higher resolutions in shallower waters as supported by the data, while also ensuring the output datasets remain manageable for downstream applications. The result is suite of depth-stratified bathymetry mosaics and associated derivatives that provide full coverage of Australia's marine estate (clipped to the boundaries of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)). All publicly available bathymetry data as at February 2024 for was included. Data can be visualised and used in GIS packages as maps of hillshaded bathymetry and hillshaded slope at the following WMS endpoints: • bathymetry: • slope: • aspect: • aspect-slope (for mapping applications only): Data is available for download in the following packages (each structured as 8x mosaics for each ME Depth Zone at the gridding resolution specified above): (1) bathymetry composites; (2) hillshade composites; (3) slope composites; (4) aspect composites. An ancillary Shapefile footprint index file is also available showing the source data used in generating each region of the mosaics. Note that minimal cleaning of input data was conducted, and no attempt was made to smooth or blend the transitions between swath edges, or between swaths and the underlying DEMs. Consequently, noise and edge effects between adjacent input data may be visible. This should be considered when interpreting the data, and the data should not be used for navigational purposes. See the Lineage section of this record for full methodology.

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    The Seamap Australia National Benthic Habitat Layer (NBHL) is a compilation of benthic habitat datasets obtained from various sectors including research, government, industry and community sources, across Australia. These disparate datasets have been integrated into a single national-scale benthic habitat database, and classified uniformly under a national classification scheme implemented as a controlled vocabulary ( Creation of this classification scheme complements work undertaken by the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub (Theme D). The Seamap Australia NBHL can be viewed, analysed and downloaded from the Seamap Australia data portal ( – a national repository of seafloor habitat data and a decision support tool for marine managers. The NBHL is supplied through Web Mapping Services (WMS) alongside relevant contextual information, in an interactive mapping portal. All habitat datasets in the Seamap Australia data portal, including the NBHL and all local- to regional-scale contributing datasets, are available for download. The Seamap Australia NBHL is a data collection of national importance and highlights the diversity of benthic habitats across Australia’s marine estate. This is the first Australian habitat dataset that seamlessly consolidates data from each of Australia’s state and territory providers. This dataset should be considered a “live” asset and will continue to develop as more suitable validated habitat data becomes available for inclusion, and improvements in data collection and analysis techniques enhance its resolution and currency. The most current (2024) version of the data is available from the following endpoints: WMS: WFS: Layer name: SeamapAus_National_Benthic_Habitat_Layer A download link for the full dataset is supplied in the “Online resources” section of this record, along with download links to older versions of the dataset. Note that data is now only available in Geodatabase (.gdb) format as it exceeds Shapefile size limits.

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Potential impacts of offshore wind developments on eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda)". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) are listed as Endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC 1999), and their distribution and Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) overlap with areas proposed for offshore renewable energy (ORE) development in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and potentially NSW. This project will quantify the distribution and location of areas of residency (e.g., foraging) for eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whales, where these overlap with proposed ORE developments, and assess the potential impacts of these developments to the species in addition to existing impacts from other anthropogenic activities. The outputs from this project will assist government, regulators, proponents, and other stakeholders in the assessment and mitigation of ORE projects to this threatened species, and will identify future research and associated data collection needs. Outputs • Spatial layers quantifying the relative distribution including migratory corridors and foraging areas across the known eastern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whale range [dataset] • Spatial layers of habitat suitability distribution [dataset] • Spatial layers for human activities identified as key pressures in this study [dataset] • Spatial layers of cumulative impact score across the species' range including potential threats from ORE and existing threats from other industries [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • This aim of this project is to identify and map critical habitats for Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) to assess the ecological value of different habitats for sea lions and identify risks to their populations. Through this project we collected animal-borne video, GPS, time-depth and accelerometer/magnetometer data from eight adult female Australian sea lions from Olive Island (n=4) on the western Eyre Peninsula and Seal Bay (n=4) on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. Sea lions were instrumented with animal-borne cameras with integrated accelerometers/magnetometers (CATS Cam, 135 x 96 x 40 mm, 400 g) and satellite-linked GPS loggers with integrated time-depth recorders (SPLASH-10, Wildlife Computers, 100 x 65 x 32 mm, 200 g). Sea lions were sedated and anaesthetised and bio-logging instruments were glued to the pelage on the dorsal midline. Bio-logging instruments were recovered after a single foraging trip (~1-6 days). Populations of the endangered Australian sea lion have declined by >60% over the last 40 years. Australian sea lion populations show a marked uneven distribution in abundance across their range, which suggests that localised risk profiles from threats vary at small spatial scales. Fine scale differences in habitat-use are thought to underpin these differences. However, knowledge of the habitats that are critical to Australian sea lions is poor and their vulnerability to human impacts and threats at the fine-scale is not well understood. The data collected in this project provides fundamental information on critical benthic habitats for Australian sea lions, the differences in foraging behaviour of individual sea lions and their prey preferences. The information collected under this project improves our understanding of threats to sea lion populations and will support future conservation actions to recover the species.

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Unbroken whispers: the ripples connecting sea kin". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Knowledge, in all its forms, is key to effectively protecting and recovering threatened and migratory whales and dolphins. Indigenous ecological knowledge (IEK) has guided Indigenous peoples through many uncertain climate and ecological fluctuations. IEK has also been used as part of protected area and species management for many thousands of years. More recently, IEK has shown huge potential to contribute to our understanding of threatened and migratory whales and dolphins, but this knowledge has not historically been collated, analysed or properly considered. Consequently, there is an absence of Indigenous perspectives and use of cultural knowledge informing the protection and recovery of EPBC listed threatened and migratory species. This Indigenous-led project will identify and share (where appropriate) cultural knowledge of relationships with whales and dolphins, and connections between land, sea and sky. Indigenous communities will participate in research that explores cultural ideology around kinship and responsibilities to kin, through expressing the knowledge, values and concerns they hold for whales and dolphins. The acquired knowledge and methods will support the cultural governance of sea Country by Indigenous communities and organisations, and policymaking, implementation and review by government agencies in relation to resource use and conservation. Outputs • GIS visualisation package of key geospatial layers related to connecting land and sea in the context of cultural keystone species [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "An Indigenous-led approach to advance the health and wellbeing of Tebrakunna Country and people of the Coastal Plains nation, north-eastern Tasmania". No data outputs are planned for this project. -------------------- This research is an Indigenous led co-designed project between Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation (MTWAC) and the University of Tasmania spanning all four NESP Hubs. It is focusing on Healthy Country Planning (HCP) processes at Tebrakunna as the Coastal Plains Nation are re-connecting to Ancestral land and sea Country. Through MTWAC’s strategic direction, key priorities and areas of interest there is a core focus on concepts surrounding healthy Country and healthy people that will develop throughout the project and contribute to the HCP for MTWAC. MTWAC aims to be a sustainable organisation, manage culture and heritage, and contribute to healing and wellbeing and broader community engagement. To achieve these priorities, through MTWAC-led HCP processes, Western scientists will work closely with MTWAC, including Indigenous Researchers within this community, Tebrakunna Country Ranger Program and HCP Facilitators. The project will assess priority values, targets, threats and viability of land and sea of Tebrakunna Country. We will determine within budget and time constraints where efforts will be best targeted to improve and protect the health of Country and people at Tebrakunna. Monitoring and evaluation, including of the wellbeing of people and Country, through measurable, community-developed goals and strategies will improve capacity and employment opportunities of MTWAC and the Tebrakunna Rangers. Outputs • Report characterising Coastal Country, including threats and opportunities assessment [written] • Co-designed wellbeing framework, methods and tools [written] • Final project report [written] ---no data outputs are planned for this project---

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    This is a database of nature-based ("soft" or "hybrid") coastal protection projects from across Australia. The database will act as a tool to help coastal managers make informed decisions by providing as many examples as possible of where these solutions have been used, how they were used and how effective they are in different contexts. The information in this database was collected through direct engagement with coastal managers and stakeholders, a literature search, and informal internet searching.