
Physical Oceanography

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    Ice cores from Mount Brown South (MBS), East Antarctica, were drilled to help understand the past atmospheric circulation variability in the southern Indian Ocean and southwest Pacific Ocean. There are visible bubble-free layers occurring frequently multiple times a year, and the origin of these features is still unknown. This project aims to determine whether the bubble-free layers in the MBS ice core can be related to atmospheric processes. ERA-5 data, including surface (skin) temperature, 2 metre air temperature, wind at 10 metre height, the mean surface downward short-wave radiation flux and snowfall, is used to assess the target climate variables from 1979 to 2017 at the ice core sites.

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    This is a collection of iceberg surface areas digitized by hand from a range of satellite images. The data may be useful for classifying ice shelf behaviour.

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    Model output from a circumpolar realisation of the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). Model was run at a horizontal resolution of 1/4 degree and 31 vertical levels. Spatial domain was circumpolar out to 30 degrees South. Forcing comes from prescribed salt and heat fluxes based on a derived climatology from Tamura et al (2008). For open water regions the Tamura data is blended with open-water heat, salt and surface stress fluxes from a monthly NCEP2 climatology.

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    Contains observations of sea level at Port Arthur, Tasmania during the period June 1999 to September 2002.

  • This record describes the following: 1) Code for detecting surface temperature mean and variance linear trend from 1982 to 2016. 2) Metrics (mean intensity, duration, and frequency) linear trend of marine cold spells from 1982-2016. This data can be used to plot a global data map of marine cold spell metrics linear trend.

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    Contains observations of sea level at Port Arthur, Tasmania during the period 1840 to 1842. A sea level benchmark was struck on a small cliff on the Isle of the Dead, near Port Arthur, Tasmania by T.J. Lempriere and Captain Clark Ross. Lempriere had previously constructed a tide gauge at Port Arthur where he made observations of the times and heights at approximately high and low water from mid-1837 to at least the end of 1842. No detailed information about the construction of the tidal gauge appears to have survived and was probably not self recording. Data includes the date, time and sea level.

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    Perpendicular seismic refraction profiles collected at 11 sites along and across the ice flow unit boundary between ice units coming from the Lambert Glacier and the Mawson Escarpment Ice Stream. Survey sites are located upstream of Gillock Island.

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    Secchi disk data collected by students on the RV Investigator training voyage (Transit IN2018_T01).

  • We utilize the sea level fingerprint module - ISSM’s Solid Earth and Sea level Adjustment Workbench (ISSM-SESAW), developed by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), to provide high-resolution sea level fingerprints in response to future polar ice sheet mass changes in the 21st century under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. We also explore the sensitivity of sea level fingerprints to different 1-D elastic Earth models and the spatial resolution at which mass change of polar ice sheets is resolved. Furthermore, sea level contributions by individual polar ice sheet basins in the 21st century are also estimated for some coastal cities of interest (e.g., Perth) in this research.

  • Webcam established at North Bay, Tasmania, early 2010 as a deterrent for poaching translocated lobsters. Webcam is sited on the southern end of the site facing north. Pictures are taken every 15 minutes and transmitted to a server where they can be accessed remotely by users. As at Novenber 2011, pictures are still being taken and archived.