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Google Earth KMZ files of hammerhead sharks tagged with Wildlife Computers miniPAT archival tags and SPOT6 tags. Files of animals tagged with MiniPAT tags include an MELE polygon, which is the 'Maximum extent of location estimates', that is, a polygon enclosing all position estimates at the maximum error level (100 km). Collectively, movements are restricted within state waters with no hammerheads moving across state or International boundaries.
Short-tailed shearwater stable isotope data, nitrogen and carbon. This data was collected to document dietary trends.
Adult and sub-adult Red handfish (Thymichthys politus) and Spotted handfish (Brachionichthys hirsutus) preserved specimens and underwater images were used for analysing morphometrics (comprising of specimens from the CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection and underwater images). Individuals were measured for the morphological traits using electronic callipers (±0.1 mm) for preserved specimens and using Image J software for digital records. Note digital image size calibration occurred using a ruler in images or from size taken in situ. The purpose was to investigate whether external morphometrics could be used to determine sex in handfishes.
We hypothesised that New Zealand sea lions from Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku of various sex and age classes would utilise the water column differently due to differing physiological constraints and therefore have different accessibility to prey resources. We tested whether sea lion diving behaviour varied in relation to (i) age and sex class, (ii) time of day and (iii) water depth. We also hypothesized that the proportion of benthic/pelagic diving, and consequently risk of fisheries interaction, would vary in relation to age and sex. Satellite telemetry tags were deployed on 25 NZSL from a range of age/sex classes recording dive depth, duration and location. Adult females and juveniles used inshore, benthic habitats, while sub-adult males also utilised benthic habitats, they predominantly used pelagic habitat at greater distances from the island. Adult females and juveniles exhibited shorter dives than the same age/sex classes at the Auckland Islands, suggesting a lower dive effort for these age/sex classes at Campbell Island.
Data to accompany publication on wild diet of southern rock lobster on the east coast of Tasmania. In this study we collected 64 lobsters and analysed the diet of each individual using stomach contents, stable isotope analysis and DNA identification of prey species in faecal samples.
This data describes various acanthocephalan, nematode and helminth parasites identified on elasmobranchs caught between 2015 and 2018 at a number of sites around Australian. All parasite and host data is contained with tables in publications linked to this record (see Supplementary Information and Online Resources section).
CSV files of location data (position estimates) for hammerhead sharks tagged with Wildlife Computers miniPAT archival tags and SPOT6 tags. Note that miniPAT data estimates may be up to 100 km (Kevin Lay, Wildlife computers pers comm). Location estimates from archival miniPAT tags also need to be considered against ARGOS location classes (see Collectively, movements are restricted within state waters with no hammerheads moving across state or International boundaries.
This data package consists of two files to accompany the manuscript Smith J., Flukes E., Keane J.P. (2024) The risky nightlife of undersized sea urchins. Marine and Freshwater Research IN PRESS. Dataset A: 211 Centrostephanus rodgersii (longspined sea urchin) were measured for test diameter and spine canopy at Fortescue Bay, Tasmania, Australia in May-June 2023 (FB_TD_SC.csv) Dataset B: Urchin movement data from Flukes et al. 2023 and associated urchin sizes measured in this study (whole_measured_df.csv)
The Maugean Skate Zearaja maugeana is a micro-endemic species known from only two isolated estuaries, Bathurst and Macquarie Harbours in southwestern/western Tasmania. This constitutes one of the most limited distributions of any known extant elasmobranch. As a result, the species is listed as ‘Endangered’ under the Threatened Species Protection Act (Tasmania) and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth). Even though it was first discovered in Bathurst Harbour, most of what is known about the species comes from the Macquarie Harbour population. In fact, only four individuals have ever been reported in Bathurst Harbour, with the last known sighting occurring in 1992. This study aimed to use eDNA to determine the presence of the Maugean skate in Bathurst Harbour on the southwest coast of Tasmania. Water samples were collected within 1 m from the sea floor in Bathurst Harbour in November 2021 and February 2022, and in Macquarie Harbour (control samples) in December 2021. Samples were filtered using a self-preserving eDNA sampling system. Following each survey DNA from the samples was extracted and analysed through qPCR amplification. Mitochondrial primer pairs from two gene regions were used to detect the presence of Maugean skate DNA in the samples. Where possible, positive detections were sequenced, and their identity verified.
To quantify the winter diving behaviour and vertical habitat use of adult female Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) we tracked females using Wildlife Computers Time-Depth Recorders (TDRs). Females were captured towards the end of the lactation period (March/April) and the TDR was attached dorsally to the fur approximately 10 cm anterior to the rump using a two-part epoxy. TDRs were retrieved just prior to or after giving birth the following season. Data files were extracted from the tags using the Wildlife Computers software Instrument Helper.