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    This dataset contains polygon extents of all known bathymetry surveys and bathymetry compilations in Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. Each polygon includes metadata identifying attributes, contact details, information on the public availability of data, and (in the case of published data) gridded resolution. The following data sources have been used as inputs: • AusSeabed 'Bathymetry Acquisitions Coverage (Dynamic)' ( • AusSeabed 'Bathymetry Compilations Coverage (Dynamic)' ( • computed footprints (suffixed by _L0_Coverage) of bathymetry data published through AusSeabed Warehouse Geoserver ( • computed footprints (suffixed by _BBOX) of bathymetry data published through CSIRO Geoserver ( • manually computed footprints of bathymetry data published through other online repositories: WA Bathymetry Portal (, the Australian Ocean Data Network ( and the NSW SEED Portal ( This dataset was generated to enable reporting for Seamap Australia's 'State of Knowledge' functionality (, as existing coverage information does not contain metadata on gridding resolution. The dataset is live and will be continually updated as new surveys are conducted and new coverage information becomes available. Gridding resolution will be appended to existing survey extents when historical surveys are published. This dataset is updated regularly (date of last update: 18/09/2024) and will be maintained in perpetuity until such time that the information required for Seamap Australia's 'State of Knowledge' functionality is delivered through an alternative mechanism. Note that a degree of spatial simplification has been conducted to reduce filesize and polygon complexity. All efforts have been made to maintain true survey extent (area-preserving simplification has been used), but polygons may not be representative of the true survey extents, particularly in the case of reported extents from unpublished surveys which cannot be verified.

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub scoping study - "Identify knowledge gaps and solutions for extent mapping of Australian marine and coastal wetlands". No data outputs were generated by this project. -------------------- Marine and coastal wetlands provide extensive ecosystem services. In Australia, coastal wetlands protect shorelines, improve water quality, support healthy fisheries, promote tourism, store carbon, and hold special cultural values, supporting people and the economy. Like many wetlands around the world, Australian wetlands continue to be threatened, degraded, and lost due to climate change, development, and other human activities. A national wetland inventory is being developed by the Australian Government as a step towards improving wetlands management and protection, and fulfilling national and international reporting requirements. This project identified key knowledge and inventory gaps and determined solutions to progress a consolidated inventory within the context of a wider review of national mapping capacity for wetlands. Gaps and solutions were identified through targeted surveys and workshops with end-users and researchers following a review of relevant data and literature. A summary of the status of mapping habitat attributes and services such as blue carbon, coastal protection and shorebird habitat was produced and is available within the Final Technical Report generated by this project. This enables prioritisation for future investment to fill knowledge gaps. Outputs • Report reviewing and synthesising knowledge gaps in inventory mapping of marine and coastal wetlands, identifying effective solutions, and guiding subsequent research projects for enhancing wetland mapping [written]

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    There is an ongoing need for a national index of bathymetry survey coverage in Australian waters. The Marine National Facility (MNF) is Australia's dedicated blue-water research facility, and collects the largest body of publicly-accessible multibeam bathymetry (MBES) data in Australian waters. MNF survey data is routinely published in a raw (unprocessed) form shortly following MNF survey completion by CSIRO's Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) group ( Geoscience Australia's AusSeabed initiative ( works with CSIRO to make MNF MBES data available as maps and for download in gridded format at resolutions specified by the Australian Multibeam Guidelines ( Once gridded MBES data is published, its survey coverage (spatial footprint) is collated into nationally aggregated bathymetry acquisitions maps (e.g. see This spatial resource is important for research, marine managers, industry, and environmental impact assessment sectors as it provides an overview of the state of research knowledge of the physical seafloor environment in key areas of interest within Australia's vast marine estate. There is a considerable lag between MBES data being made available in L2 specialist format (typically ASCII XYZ), and being processed into a gridded format (e.g. GeoTIFF) following the Australian Multibeam Guidelines resolution specifications. This leaves some uncertainty about the location and coverage of more recently collected MBES data that has yet to be processed and publicly released in a gridded format. This dataset is a compilation of MNF voyage tracks (available through the CSIRO data trawler: from the last 5 calendar years. The dataset will be periodically updated to reflect new voyage tracks; and to remove voyage tracks >5 years old. See 'Last Update' timestamp for an indication of currency. This record will be unpublished at such time that an automated process is developed to update national bathymetry survey coverage databases.

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    This dataset provides geomorphic features of the Australian Marine Parks (2022). The data was generated by Seamap Australia as part of an Our Marine Parks (Parks Australia) project with funding from the Australian Government to improve knowledge relating to classification of the Australian Marine Parks real estate. Bathymetry data was collated from existing AusSeabed data holdings and compiled into multi-resolution bathymetry mosaics for each Park (see All publicly available bathymetry data as at 30th June 2022 was included. Macquarie Island was updated on 25/08/2023 to reflect the new AMP boundaries. The Whitebox tools package in R was used to calculate geomorphometry using the geomorphron function. Processing for each Park was addressed manually, with search distances and slope thresholds adjusted between Parks depending on quality and resolution of bathymetry data, and characteristics of the seafloor. Geomorphons were classified into geomorphic features using the Dove et al (2020) Seabed Morphology Features Glossary. These geomorphic units provide a consistent way to classify the seabed and may be used in combination with visual validation methods to develop benthic habitat maps. Data is supplied as a Web Map Service of geomorphic features overlaid on hillshade for the mapped regions. Data is available for download as a zipped package of geotiffs with accompanying hillshade. ESRI .lyr file and QGIS .sld files are supplied for display in desktop GIS. All Parks with 25% or more bathymetry coverage were included in processing. The table below indicates the Parks included in this data package, and the percent coverage of geomorphic data for each, based on the bathymetry coverage available at the time of processing. Note that the current coverage of bathymetry may be greater than that expressed below and contained within this data package, for areas in which more recent surveys have been published. PARK % COVERAGE Abrolhos 36% Apollo 52% Beagle 35% Boags 31% Bremer 70% Carnarvon Canyon 72% Central Eastern* 47% (41%) Christmas Island* 31% (28%) Cod Grounds 97% Coral Sea* 100% (30%) East Gippsland 96% Eastern Recherche 29% Flinders 30% Franklin 51% Freycinet 40% Gascoyne 53% Geographe 25% Gifford 100% Great Australian Bight 36% Heard & McDonald Islands*† 100% (0%) Hunter 90% Huon 94% Jervis 99% Macquarie Island 40% Mermaid Reef 72% Murray 47% Nelson 58% Ningaloo 54% Norfolk 38% Perth Canyon 98% Solitary Islands 34% South Tasman Rise 59% South-west Corner 46% Tasman Fracture 99% Two Rocks 27% Western Eyre 25% Zeehan 74% * indicates Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data was included in analysis. Coverage of surveyed (non-modelled) bathymetry is shown in parentheses () † has been included in analysis but is not an Australian Marine Park For glossary of features, see: Dove et al. (2020) A two-part seabed geomorphology classification scheme (v.2); Part 1: morphology features glossary.

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    This dataset is a compilation product of all publicly available surveyed bathymetry within the Australian Marine Parks (AMPs, 2023 boundaries), merged into a single multi-resolution composite per AMP. The data was compiled by Seamap Australia as part of an Our Marine Parks (Parks Australia) project with funding from the Australian Government to improve knowledge relating to classification of the Australian Marine Parks real estate. This compilation of bathymetry data was the first step in generating geomorphometry classifications (see for derived geomorphometry maps). Bathymetry data was collated from AusSeabed data holdings (, the WA Bathymetry Portal (, the Australian Ocean Data Network ( and other existing public data repositories. A single multi-resolution bathymetry mosaic, and associated multi-resolution hillshade mosaic, was generated for each AMP. Data is supplied as a single Web Map Service of bathymetry on hillshade for the mapped regions. Data is available for download as (1) bathymetry, and (2) hillshade, Geotiff files for each AMP. The table below indicates the Parks included in this data package, and the percent coverage of bathymetric data for each. Parks not expressly listed below had no publicly accessible bathymetry data available from the sources listed in the 'lineage' section below. This dataset was last updated on 06/03/2025 and represents all public bathymetry data intersecting AMPs that could be located as of that date. PARK % COVERAGE Abrolhos 56% Apollo 62% Arafura 11% Argo-Rowley Terrace 34% Ashmore Reef 68% Beagle 56% Boags 31% Bremer 71% Carnarvon Canyon 82% Cartier Island 9% Central Eastern* 48% (42%) Christmas Island* 43% (41%) Cocos (Keeling) Islands* 25% (19%) Cod Grounds 97% Coral Sea* 100% (30%) Dampier 60% East Gippsland 100% Eastern Recherche 37% Eighty Mile Beach 69% Flinders 32% Franklin 51% Freycinet 59% Gascoyne 67% Geographe 25% Gifford* 100% (70%) Great Australian Bight 40% Gulf of Carpentaria 6% Heard & McDonald Islands*† 100% (0%) Hunter 90% Huon 95% Jervis 100% Jurien 18% Kimberley 14% Lord Howe* 16% (14%) Macquarie Island 48% Mermaid Reef 83% Montebello 89% Murray 50% Nelson 62% Ningaloo 55% Norfolk 42% Oceanic Shoals 23% Perth Canyon 100% Roebuck 100% Shark Bay 16% Solitary Islands 100% South Tasman Rise 82% South-west Corner 53% Tasman Fracture 99% Twilight 1% Two Rocks 32% Wessel 1% West Cape York 11% Western Eyre 27% Western Kangaroo Island 10% Zeehan 73% * indicates Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data was included in compilation. Coverage of surveyed (non-modelled) bathymetry is shown in parentheses () † has been included in analysis but is not an Australian Marine Park

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    This data presents the results of seabed mapping and habitat classification surveys completed in Darwin Harbour during 2011 and 2013 as part of the Northern Territory Government's marine habitat mapping program. This research is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA), the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), the Department of Land Resource Management (DLRM) and the Darwin Port Corporation. Key objectives are to: - Produce detailed maps of the bathymetry and derived parameters such as slope and rugosity, - Classify the seabed into areas of hard and soft substrate, and, - Produce seabed habitat maps (or seascapes). Key outcomes from the surveys include: 1. Improved understanding of the seabed of Darwin Harbour. The main seabed geomorphic features identified in Darwin Harbour include banks, ridges, plains and scarps, and a deep central channel that divides into smaller and shallower channels. Acoustically hard substrates are found mostly on banks and are associated with rocky reef and sponge gardens, and are often overlain by a thin veneer of sandy sediment. In contrast, plains and channels are characterised by acoustically soft substrates and are associated with fine sediments (mud and sand). 2. Classification of physical seabed properties to produce a Seascape Map for Darwin Harbour. Six seascape classes (potential habitats) were derived using an Iterative Self Organising (ISO) unsupervised classification scheme. These six classes are related to statistically unique combinations of seabed substrate, relief, bedform and presence of sediment veneer (quite often inferred from presence of epibenthic biota).

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    1:100,000 coastal wetland vegetation mapping for Queensland including mangrove communities, saltpans and saline grasslands. Mapping taken from Landsat TM images with ground truthing. Additional metadata is available for details of techniques and accuracy for each section of coastline. Data Currency for each section of coast: NT border to Flinders River - 1995 SE Gulf of Carpentaria - 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992 Cape York Peninsula - 1986-88, 1991 Cape Trib to Bowling Green Bay - 1997-99 The Burdekin Region - 1991 The Bowen Region - 1994-95 The Whitsunday Region - 1997 Repulse Bay - 1989 Central Qld - 1995, 1997 The Curtis Coast Region - 1997 Round Hill Head to Tin Can Inlet - 1997 Moreton Region - 1995.