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  • Short-tailed shearwater stable isotope data, nitrogen and carbon. This data was collected to document dietary trends.

  • Between January and March 2003, 25 (15 females, 9 males, 1 no sex recorded) draughtboard sharks, sourced from the Crayfish Point Reserve and the east coast of Tasmania (42-43°S, 147-148°E), were fitted with the acoustic transmitters to investigate movement behaviour.

  • This study examined the relationship between personality traits and a number of biological traits in the southern dumpling squid, Euprymna tasmanica. There were 2 contexts in which traits were measured - domain-general or context-specific manner, and four personality traits were measured (shy avoidance-bold aggression, activity, bury persistence and reactivity). Trait expression was context specific, and trait variation was partially explained by maturity and size, but had no links to gender or somatic/reproductive condition.

  • Behavioural syndromes are important in the context of understanding the evolution of behaviour. This study examines the lifetime development of shy/bold behaviour of dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica). The first component examined correlations of shy/bold behaviour across two test contexts - a threat and a feeding test, measured 5 times during the lifetime of the squid. The second component examined developmental plasticity in shy/bold phenotypes with age and sexual maturity.

  • Between January 2000 and January 2007, sharks were tagged during routine fishery dependent and independent rock lobster catch sampling trips around southwestern and eastern Tasmania and in the Crayfish Point Reserve. For each shark, sex, total length and clasper length (males) were recorded.

  • This study used crosses of wild-caught dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica) males to multiple females with known behavioural types to evaluate patterns of additive and residual variance in behavioural traits from offspring under two contexts - a threat and a foraging test. Genetic contributions to behavioural expression were context-dependent. Threat context behaviour had significant heritability, while foraging context behaviour had lesser additive and greater residual components. Female trait variation was not correlated with fecundity. Female foraging boldness (which co-varied with size) explained some variation in brood hatching success. Positive assortion of mate pairs according to shy-bold phenotype determined fertilization success.

  • We investigated the effects of seabird presence and seasonality on ground-active spider community structure (activity-density, family-level richness, age class and sex structure) and composition at the family-level across five short-tailed shearwater breeding islands around south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. Using 75 pitfall traps (15 per island), spiders were collected inside, near and outside seabird colonies on each island, at five different stages of the short-tailed shearwater breeding cycle over a year. 3. Pitfall traps were deployed for a total of 2,674 days, capturing 1,592 spiders from 26 families with Linyphiidae and Lycosidae the most common.

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    This meta data describes the raw output of the SES DEB-IBM built in NetLogo (version 6.0.1, March 2017; available from The raw output consists of .csv files from several model runs. The detailed explanation of the model workings and background are published in Goedegebuure et al. (2018, PLoS ONE; Modelling southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina using an individual-based model coupled with a dynamic energy budget; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194950). In short: we developed an individual-based model which is coupled with a dynamic energy budget (a DEB-IBM) for southern elephant seals to demonstrate a method for detailed representation of marine mammals. We aimed to develop a model which could i) simulate energy use and life histories, as well as breeding traits of southern elephant seals in an emergent manner, ii) project a stable population over time, and iii) have realistic population dynamics and structure based on emergent life history features (such as age at first breeding, lifespan, fecundity and (yearling) survival). We evaluated the model's ability to represent a stable population over long time periods (> 10 generations), including the sensitivity of the emergent properties to variations in key parameters. The model was developed using life history data of female southern elephant seals from Macquarie Island and follows individuals from birth to death. The information collected in the raw output are the same for the baseline model (stable, and with standard parameters), and the modified models to test for 1) low, and 2) high food availability, 3) low, and 4) high weaning thresholds (energetic level at which pups transition to juveniles), 5) low, and 6) high puberty thresholds (energetic level at which juveniles transition to physically mature adults). As well as recording the parameter values as set in the model, each .csv file records: 1) run number (usually 1-10) 2) step (time step, days) 3) min age at first breeding (years) 4) min age of adult 5) mean age of adult 6) mean age of juvenile 7) max age of individuals 8) max number of pups per female 9) fecundity 10) max size of individuals 11) mean size of adults 12) mean size of juveniles 13) total count of modelled population 14) total count of embryos 15) total count of pups 16) total count of yearlings 17) total count of juveniles (includes yearlings) 18) total count of adults 19) mean food availability of independent individuals (those not reliant on their mother) that are not fasting/moulting 20) carrying capacity (or expected equilibrium) 21) seed NB. NetLogo calls individuals within the model turtles - thus output will mention turtles. Stages are as follows 0 = foetus, 1 = pup, 2 = juvenile, 3 = adult. Status are as follows, 0 = dependent on mother, 1 = fasting, 2 = foraging.

  • The southern calamari acoustic telemetry data-set includes information on the tagging and tracking of southern calamari on the east coast of Tasmania. The information includes biological information of tagged squid, deployment information of acoustic receivers and tracking data of squid movement.

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    This data contains at-sea GPS tracks of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) tagged at three colonies around Storm Bay, Tasmania (Boronia Beach, Wedge Island and Bruny Island Neck) over the 2015/16 summer breeding season. This data was collected as part of an honours thesis submitted in 2016.