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  • The data represents the results of a national model of boat-based recreational fishing effort (number of trips) around Australia. The model reflects boat-based line fishing trips in marine waters and is reported on a 5x5 nautical mile grid to a distance of 100 km from the Australian coastline. The model includes two parts: (i) allocation of fishing trips from a reporting region to individual boat ramps and (ii) allocation of fishing trips from boat ramps to adjacent marine waters. Raw fishing effort data could not be made available. Aggregated effort data is supplied as summary plots in the final report:

  • This record relates to communications outputs of a research project which centered around working with Indigenous communities to raise the profile of the Largetooth Sawfish and support community driven conservation efforts. Some of the items are intended for public viewing (videos and educational signage); but the other outputs are intended for use by the Indigenous communities involved in the sampling (trip reports and Malak Malak annual floodplain sampling protocol and I-Tracker data collection application).

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub project "Evaluation of recreational fishing behaviour, use, values and motivations that relate to compliance". No data outputs were generated by this project. -------------------- Recreational fishing is an important leisure activity that brings economic and social benefits to the Australian community. Australia’s recreational sector is the largest and most widely dispersed recreational activity that uses a natural resource. Management strategies for this sector includes quotas, bag limits and no-take zones in marine reserves. Given the prohibitive cost of deploying compliance officers to monitor Australia’s vast marine estate, strategies are needed to encourage fishers to comply with zones of their own accord. This research focused on recreational fishers active in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMPA) waters, and in Geographe Marine Park and Two Rocks Marine Park off Western Australia. More than 800 online surveys were distributed to fishers, followed by focus groups and data analysis. These aimed to better understand how factors such as demographics, fishing patterns, and motivations related to individual or group intentions to comply with no-take zones. The survey findings informs on the use of behavioural change interventions to support regulation compliance of recreational fishers and boaters. It delivers a proof of concept tailoring of behaviour change to inform the practical design of interventions in case studies for further refinement, implementation and evaluation in subsequent research. Outputs • Fact sheet - characterising recreational fishing population [written] • Final project report [written]

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    This record relates to recreational use patterns from surveys with recreational boaters at 12 locations around Australia across 2019-2020. The collected recreational use patterns are intended to be indicative of use levels for various marine areas. Use patterns were recorded during face-to-face surveys at boat ramps using gridded maps upon which boaters indicated areas they had visited in the last 12 months along with approximate percentages, indicating the relative time spent at each location. Data is supplied as modelled frequency of recreational boating trips (per grid cell per year), based on aggregated boat ramp survey data.

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    The ICIN (2023) Indigenous Rights and Interests (Carbon and Nature Repair) Dataset is a continental wide spatial dataset that identifies the legally recognised Indigenous rights and interests that give rise to rights under the Australian Governments ACCU Scheme (and future Nature Repair Market) (land and sea). The dataset developed was based primarily on publicly available spatial datasets, complemented by numerous private information sources. The analysis was undertaken at the continental scale, using a systematic, objective process to define the Indigenous estate. It is acknowledged that there may be some errors, and that Indigenous land and sea interests are broader than what is presented in the maps/dataset.

  • This record relates to outputs from a series of socio-economic surveys conducted nationally to benchmark awareness and perceptions towards the Australian Marine Parks. This includes a general public survey, a boat ramp survey (focussed on boat-based recreational users), a targeted survey (focussed on members of fishing, boating and yacht clubs) and a charter operator survey (focussed on fishing and eco-charter operators). All surveys were conducted across 2019-2020. Raw data could not be made available. Aggregated survey data is supplied as summary plots in the final report:

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    The National Environmental Science Program projects SS2 and D7 (under the Marine Biodiversity Hub) and 1.3 (under the Marine and Coastal Hub) were instigated to support the design of Monitoring Effectiveness (ME) framework for Australian Marine Park (AMP) estate, and contribute to the AMP Science Plan. The overall objective of these projects was to provide a nationally accepted common language to describe natural values and pressures, and a robust approach to combining this information to inform national priorities for monitoring inside AMPs. Broadly, the following approach was taken: 1. Identify Key Natural Values (KNVs) in AMP networks through an expert elicitation process, 2. Develop a national-scale ecosystem map via a combination of depth and characteristic habitat using the ME framework 3. Collate and synthesise pressures operating within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone and state/territory waters, as defined by the ME framework's pressures common language 4. Provide a spatially explicit analysis of the relative risks posed to marine conservation values, as defined by the ME framework’s natural values hierarchy. This record describes component 3: collating the pressures by ME common language for all of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone and state/territory waters; and determining the cumulative pressure exerted by each activity/sub-activity combination. Components 1, 2 & 4 are described elsewhere.