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  • Seven case study locations (Keep, Daly, Roper, McArthur, Flinders, and Gilbert River estuaries, and Darwin Harbour) were used to test the utility of the Australian Landsat data archive in the Digital Earth Australia analysis platform for characterising and monitoring the condition and change in coastal habitats. A suite of analyses was undertaken including: assessing the extent of different coastal habitats, detecting coastal change including change in mangrove communities, and the distribution of intertidal areas. The work was successful in: (a) generating baseline information for the case study areas; and, (b) developing valuable monitoring tools for future use.

  • Meta data of all tagged hammerhead sharks detailing tag dates, locations, and shark biological details.

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    This dataset has been superseded by (NSW Estuarine Macrophytes). Fisheries oriented inventory that consists of tabular information and an atlas of estuarine wetlands describing 133 estuaries and embayments along the NSW (Australia) coast. (VIS_ID 2224)

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    This dataset consists of polygons delineating the broad-scale regional marine habitats of selected areas in Western Australia, mostly in existing and proposed marine conservation reserve areas. Habitat mapping was carried out by various organisations, including DPAW, using a range of methodologies over many years. Diverse classifications and habitat descriptions were standardised to the DPaW broad-scale Shallow-water Marine Habitat Classification scheme (SMHC) (Bancroft, 2003) after initial habitat mapping and classification work had been done. Habitat polygons are classified to the broad-scale ecological Community level and where more detailed data exist, local-scale Functional Group level (Bancroft, 2003). Polygons were attributed with habitat class names only, textual descriptions of these classes are provided in this metadata statement and further in Bancroft (2003).

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    This dataset has been superseded by (NSW Estuarine Macrophytes). Distribution and abundance of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh in NSW estuaries

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    Distribution and abundance of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh in NSW estuaries. This dataset is ongoing. This record describes a snapshot of the data taken in February 2023 for use in the Seamap Australia project. A more recent version of the dataset may be available through the NSW DPI Fisheries Data Portal. This dataset supersedes (Estuarine macrophytes of NSW 2009) and (An Estuarine Inventory for NSW 1984).