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  • These data were collected on Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2013_T01 from Sydney to Hobart in February 2013. The voyage was a teaching voyage as part of KSA724. Masters students participated in the collection of standard oceanographic data, focusing on eddies of the East Australian Current. This dataset includes for reference the nutrient and hydrography bottle data as produced by the Marine National Facility, as well as the fluorometrically determined extracted chlorophyll concentration

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    This repository contains data files (netCDF format) related to the model configuration developed and used by Joan Llort between 2011 and 2019. The model is a 1D configuration based on PISCES v1 and the specific routines and namelist are here: The data in this repository is organised in two groups: - The first group contains the forcing files used to create and idealised representation of Southern Ocean water columns. Forcing files were automatically modified to force PISCES models with different mixed layer depth and iron environments. The files presented here are for a single water column but they can be modified using the python routines in the GitHub link above. - The second group contains the outputs for one of the experiments. We studied the impact of changes in ferricilne, winter mixed layer and summer mixed layer depths over Southern Ocean primary production.

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    Biological ocean data collected from ships find reuse in aggregations of historical data. These data are heavily relied upon to document long term change, validate satellite algorithms for ocean biology and are useful in assessing the performance of autonomous platforms and biogeochemical models. There is a need to combine subsurface biological and physical data into one aggregate data product to support reproducible research. Existing aggregate products are dissimilar in source data, have largely been isolated to the surface ocean and most omit physical data. These products cannot easily be used to explore subsurface bio-physical relationships. We present the first version of a biological ocean data reformatting effort (BIO-MATE, BIO-MATE uses R software that reformats openly sourced published datasets from oceanographic voyages. These reformatted biological and physical data from underway sensors, profiling sensors and pigments analysis are stored in an interoperable and reproducible BIO-MATE data product for easy access and use.

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    Thorium-234 samples were collected to determine the particulate organic carbon (POC) export fluxes in two East Antarctica polynyas, Dalton and Mertz. The samples were collected along the water column using the CTD deployed at several stations. The seawater Th-234 data was used in combination with POC:234Th ratios obtained from particulate samples collected using in situ pumps in order to derive the POC fluxes. This record describes Th-234 and U-238_data: sample ID, depth, CTD file, station ID, latitude and longitude, Th-234 concentration and its uncertainty, U-238 concentration and its uncertainty. See linked record for associated POC data from Aurora Australis Voyage 2 2016/17.

  • This record presents data used in the paper 'Controls on polar Southern Ocean deep chlorophyll maxima: viewpoints from multiple observational platforms,' Philip W Boyd 𝘦𝘵. 𝘢𝘭., submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles, November 2023. All methods for the following datasets are detailed and cross-referenced in the paper. Data were collected from a range of methods, including: • vertical profiles (from 1 m resolved profiling using sensors on a CTD rosette: temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity - all calibrated) • vertical profiles (from discrete samples collected from CTD rosette or trace metal clean rosette, for nutrients, chlorophyll, POC, dissolved and particulate iron, active fluorescence, net primary productivity, biological iron uptake) • tow-body sections (undulating tow body (Triaxus) for temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity (and the ratio of chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity) • time-series observations from a robotic profiling float (BGC-ARGO) for temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and transmissivity).

  • Baited remote underwater stereo-video (stereo-BRUV) were used to sample the fish assemblages of the Hunter Marine Park and adjacent Port Stephens - Great Lakes Marine Park at equivalent depths. Stereo-BRUV were deployed in both autumn and spring from spring 2016 to autumn 2018 and at depth of 32-105m. The videos were analyse to all fish species to the lowest taxonmic level and estimate relative abundance (MaxN) and lengths of all species. This information was used to form a baseline of the benthic fish assemblages of the Hunter Marine Park. This study was done as part of the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub D3 project (

  • Data on the type, provenance, quantity (density), and rate of accumulation of beach-washed plastic debris were recorded on Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific during 29 May – 15 August 2015. Henderson Island is rarely visited by humans, thus debris on the islands' beaches may act as a proxy for the adjacent South Pacific Ocean. The island was found to contain the highest density of debris anywhere in the world, up to 671.6 items/m2 (mean ± SD: 239.4 ± 347.3 items/m2 on the surface of the beaches. Approximately 68% of debris (up to 4,496.9 pieces/m2) was buried <10 cm in the beach sediment. Up to 26.8 new items/m are thought to accumulate daily.

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    This dataset describes visual sightings of marine megafauna (whales, dolphins and sharks) obtained during a series of dedicated aerial surveys conducted as part of a NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub project within and around the Bremer Marine Park, southern Western Australia. The data reflect 25 hours of observer effort (on transect), and 62 sightings of four identifiable species, including killer whales (Orcinus orca), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas), and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). Numerous unidentified cetaceans and sharks were also seen. For more information, see:

  • This dataset relates to deployments of pelagic stereo-BRUVS conducted by the University of Western Australia within and to the west of the Bremer Marine Park in February/March 2017. The survey was undertaken to provide a baseline assessment of the pelagic assemblages occurring in the region as part of the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Emerging Priorities Project #EP2 ( A total of 791 individuals from 13 taxa were identified.

  • The aim of the project was to determine the particulate organic carbon concentration in coastal polynyas and off-shelf sites south of the Polar Front. Data is collected from the CTD deployed at various stations. This record descripbes three datafiles. (1) POC_data: station, pressure, temperature, conductivity, salinity, PAR, total beam attenuation coefficients (c), attenuation by particles (cp), site, particulate organic carbon concentration (from optical measurements), rho, longitude and latitude. (2) Ammonium: station, pressure, site, ammonium, latitude, longitude (3) POC_PON_ratio: site, depth, particulate organic carbon concentration (measured) particulate organic nitrogen concentration (measured), C:N ratio.