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Business structure and costs for Southern Rock Lobster fisheries in Tasmania including fixed (vessels, infrastructure) and variable (bait, fuel, ports) costs.
Underwater video technology was used to observe marine mammal interactions (seals, in particular Australian fur seals) within midwater trawl nets. A camera system was placed inside the trawl net in the vicinity of a Seal Excluder Device, designed to prevent megafauna from entering the codend of the net and provide an escape point. Digital video data was described according to a range of operational, catch and interaction fields, and made time-specific to each trawl shot. Data is linked to commercial catch and effort data providing operational, environmental and catch information.
This projects' data on abalone translocations is stored in two databases containing data collected for abalone aggregation and larval surveys in Tasmania. Genetic information has also been generated using microsatellites.
Describes the database used for storing Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) biological data collected by observers on commercial boats and dedicated research trips incorporating information on sex, length, weight, damage, reproduction, bycatch, protected species interaction, location, depth, tagging and equipment type.
Abalone growth data include estimates from growth increment data from tagging studies, and from shell ageing studies. Data has been collected from all Tasmanian state waters since 1986.
The dataset contains length frequency information for abalone species, collected in all Tasmanian state waters from 1988.
The abalone commercial catch sampling project contains length-based samples from diver catches collected in Tasmania waters.
Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) biological data collected by observers on commercial boats and dedicated research trips incorporating information on sex, length, weight, damage, reproduction, bycatch, protected species interaction, location, depth, tagging and equipment type.
The movement and behaviour of the Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) was monitored using a radio acoustic telemetry systems at two sites in eastern Tasmania.
In 2006, transect surveys were conducted at sites in eastern inshore Tasmanian waters at depths and habitats typical of those where abalone are commercially fished. Surveys focused on four areas of the Tasmanian coastline including St Helens, Bicheno and Dunalley on the east coast and the Actaeons region on the south-east coast; with at least 10 reefs sampled in each region.