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  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2023 project "Delineation and estimation of the Maugean skate population in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- The endangered Maugean skate is now only found in Macquarie Harbour, which has a long history of environmental degradation, and recent research suggests that the population may be declining. However, our current abundance estimation tools are inadequate to determine population status and a new method is needed. This project will use next generation genetic sequencing and novel imaging survey tools to delineate and estimate the size of the Macquarie Harbour Maugean skate population to inform conservation strategies. There is also a need to investigate the evolutionary potential of the Maugean skate to adapt to the changing environmental conditions. This research will address these needs by examining the skate's genetic diversity and fine-scale population structure using whole genome typing, and developing a high-resolution dataset of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms. This genetic approach will help inform adaptive management strategies, such as captive breeding, and enhance our ability to detect differentiated lineages with adaptive potential. Outputs • Tissue sampling results and genome-wide population genetic structure [dataset] • Adaptive resolution imaging sonar (ARIS) and lidar water column scanning [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub emerging priorities study - "Application of environmental DNA to survey Bathurst Harbour Tasmania for the endangered Maugean skate". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- The Maugean skate (Zearaja maugeana) is listed as Endangered under Tasmania’s Threatened Species Protection Act and the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Its known population is small (~3,000 individuals, Macquarie Harbour, 2016) and highly restricted, having only been recorded in two isolated estuaries: Bathurst Harbour and Macquarie Harbour in south-western/western Tasmania. This constitutes one of the most limited distributions of any known extant elasmobranch. Although the skate was first discovered in Bathurst Harbour, most knowledge of the species stems from the Macquarie Harbour population. Only four individuals have been reported in Bathurst Harbour, with the last reported sighting in 1992. Environmental conditions in Macquarie Harbour have changed markedly since then due to anthropogenic activities in and around the estuary including historical mining, hydro-electric generation and alteration of natural river flows, and marine fish farming. Previous research has shown clear signs of population stress and evidence of detrimental impacts of degraded environmental conditions on the Maugean Skate in Macquarie Harbour. Understanding the potential population status of the Maugean Skate in Bathurst Harbour will assist in determining conservation actions. This study used Environmental (e) DNA to determine the presence/absence of the endangered Maugean skate (Zearaja maugeana) in Bathurst Harbour, strengthening the evidence base for effective conservation plans and specific recovery actions. Outputs • Maugean skate eDNA sampling data and inferred species distribution (presence/absence) [dataset] • Final Project Report, including a short summary of recommendations for policy makers of key findings [written]

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2023 project "Eastern Grey Nurse Shark population abundance and trend". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia’s eastern grey nurse shark population is listed as Critically Endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Recovery Plan for the Grey Nurse Shark identifies research and actions needed to improve the shark’s population status and ensure its long-term conservation. This project refines the abundance and trend estimate for the eastern Australian population of grey nurse shark and examined the shark’s expansion range into Victorian waters (evidence suggests the shark may now range as far west as Wilsons Promontory). The project builds upon previous research which has estimated the eastern grey nurse shark adult population at ~2,000 individuals. Epigenetic techniques are used estimate age of juveniles (based on patterns of DNA methylation), and stereo video analysis is used to obtain precise length measurements for use against growth curves. Understanding the species' population structure is important to inform the assessment of current conservation arrangements such as spatial closures. Findings will provide a more precise estimate of the abundance of Australia’s eastern grey nurse shark population, and reduce uncertainty surrounding trends in abundance by building a stronger evidence base for decision-making around the species’ recovery and conservation. Outputs • Tissue samples and extracted products from juvenile grey nurse sharks [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • Redmap is a primarily a website that invites the community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in their region, or along particular parts of their coast. The information collected is mapped and displayed on the site, demonstrating, in time, how species distributions may be changing. Sightings are divided into two categories – those with a photo that can be ‘verified’ by a marine biologist, and sightings without photos that we call community sightings (anecdotal). All the information collected, with and without photos, is mapped and will be used in the following years to map out a ‘story’ of changes occurring in our marine environment. The main data collected includes the species sighted (normally selected from a list comprising preselected species of interest), the location, date/time and activity being undertaken. Other optional information gathered include biological data such as sex, size and weight and environmental data such as water depth and temperature and habitat. This record is associated with live data (and will subsequently change over time) and spatial elements have reduced accuracy. It is also subject to a three year embargo (ie. does not contain data less than three years old). If you wish to discuss obtaining a citable, static dataset, that is current and/or contains accurate spatial elements, please see Point of Contact.

  • Redmap is a primarily a website that invites the community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in their region, or along particular parts of their coast. The information collected is mapped and displayed on the site, demonstrating, in time, how species distributions may be changing. Sightings are divided into two categories – those with a photo that can be ‘verified’ by a marine biologist, and sightings without photos that we call community sightings (anecdotal). All the information collected, with and without photos, is mapped and will be used in the following years to map out a ‘story’ of changes occurring in our marine environment. The main data collected includes the species sighted (normally selected from a list comprising preselected species of interest), the location, date/time and activity being undertaken. Other optional information gathered include biological data such as sex, size and weight and environmental data such as water depth and temperature and habitat. This record is associated with live data (and will subsequently change over time) and spatial elements have reduced accuracy. It is also subject to a three year embargo (ie. does not contain data less than three years old). If you wish to discuss obtaining a citable, static dataset, that is current and/or contains accurate spatial elements, please see Point of Contact.

  • Redmap is a primarily a website that invites the community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in their region, or along particular parts of their coast. The information collected is mapped and displayed on the site, demonstrating, in time, how species distributions may be changing. Sightings are divided into two categories – those with a photo that can be ‘verified’ by a marine biologist, and sightings without photos that we call community sightings (anecdotal). All the information collected, with and without photos, is mapped and will be used in the following years to map out a ‘story’ of changes occurring in our marine environment. The main data collected includes the species sighted (normally selected from a list comprising preselected species of interest), the location, date/time and activity being undertaken. Other optional information gathered include biological data such as sex, size and weight and environmental data such as water depth and temperature and habitat. This record is associated with live data (and will subsequently change over time) and spatial elements have reduced accuracy. It is also subject to a three year embargo (ie. does not contain data less than three years old). If you wish to discuss obtaining a citable, static dataset, that is current and/or contains accurate spatial elements, please see Point of Contact.

  • Redmap is a primarily a website that invites the community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in their region, or along particular parts of their coast. The information collected is mapped and displayed on the site, demonstrating, in time, how species distributions may be changing. Sightings are divided into two categories – those with a photo that can be ‘verified’ by a marine biologist, and sightings without photos that we call community sightings (anecdotal). All the information collected, with and without photos, is mapped and will be used in the following years to map out a ‘story’ of changes occurring in our marine environment. The main data collected includes the species sighted (normally selected from a list comprising preselected species of interest), the location, date/time and activity being undertaken. Other optional information gathered include biological data such as sex, size and weight and environmental data such as water depth and temperature and habitat. This record is associated with live data (and will subsequently change over time) and spatial elements have reduced accuracy. It is also subject to a three year embargo (ie. does not contain data less than three years old). If you wish to discuss obtaining a citable, static dataset, that is current and/or contains accurate spatial elements, please email

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Grey Nurse Shark aggregations". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- The grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) has been protected in Australian Commonwealth waters since 1996. Although historically distributed across southern Australia, in October 2001 the grey nurse shark was listed as two separate populations with different protection listings under the EPBC Act of 1999: Critically Endangered in eastern Australia, and Vulnerable in Western Australia. Grey nurse sharks (GNS) tend to aggregate at specific sites along migration routes. There are currently 19 identified key aggregation sites along the eastern seaboard. Recent observations indicate that this definition requires revision to account for factors such as seasonal movements and to be applicable to the Western Australian population. This project aims to collate existing information on key aggregation sites and ‘new’ sites where GNS have been found to gather (both in eastern and western Australia). This information will be used to refine the definition of key aggregation site and develop criteria to allow assessment of new sites. This project will also investigate potential sites in Victoria where the least amount of information is available. Outputs • Spatial information on key Grey Nurse Shark aggregation sites [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • Redmap is a primarily a website that invites the community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in their region, or along particular parts of their coast. The information collected is mapped and displayed on the site, demonstrating, in time, how species distributions may be changing. Sightings are divided into two categories – those with a photo that can be ‘verified’ by a marine biologist, and sightings without photos that we call community sightings (anecdotal). All the information collected, with and without photos, is mapped and will be used in the following years to map out a ‘story’ of changes occurring in our marine environment. The main data collected includes the species sighted (normally selected from a list comprising preselected species of interest), the location, date/time and activity being undertaken. Other optional information gathered include biological data such as sex, size and weight and environmental data such as water depth and temperature and habitat. This record is associated with live data (and will subsequently change over time) and spatial elements have reduced accuracy. It is also subject to a three year embargo (ie. does not contain data less than three years old). If you wish to discuss obtaining a citable, static dataset, that is current and/or contains accurate spatial elements, please see Point of Contact.

  • The Maugean Skate Zearaja maugeana is a micro-endemic species known from only two isolated estuaries, Bathurst and Macquarie Harbours in southwestern/western Tasmania. This constitutes one of the most limited distributions of any known extant elasmobranch. As a result, the species is listed as ‘Endangered’ under the Threatened Species Protection Act (Tasmania) and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth). Even though it was first discovered in Bathurst Harbour, most of what is known about the species comes from the Macquarie Harbour population. Only four individuals have ever been reported in Bathurst Harbour, with the last known sighting occurring in 1992. This study used environmental DNA (eDNA) to determine the presence/absence of the Maugean skate in Bathurst Harbour on the southwest coast of Tasmania. Water samples were collected from the seafloor in Bathurst Harbour in November 2021 and February 2022, and in Macquarie Harbour (control samples) in December 2021. Samples were filtered using a self-preserving eDNA sampling system. Following each survey DNA from the samples was extracted and analysed through qPCR amplification. Mitochondrial primer pairs from two gene regions were used to detect the presence of Maugean skate DNA in the samples. Where possible, positive detections were sequenced, and their identity verified.