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  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Development of regional modelling and risk assessments to inform offshore renewable decision-making". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia is entering a phase of rapid offshore renewable energy (ORE) development, with several regions earmarked for wind farms on the eastern and south-eastern coasts. In considering the environmental acceptability of wind energy projects, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) will assess potential risks to the recovery of populations listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act 1999). The assessment process will consider cumulative environmental impacts at a regional or even ocean basin-scale, in addition to environmental factors specific to ORE. Additionally, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) has identified the need for improved understanding on species, processes and industry activities to support impact and risk assessment. This project will demonstrate the use of two kinds of modelling (whole-of-ecosystem modelling and individual species modelling) to estimate the impacts and risks of installing ORE infrastructure in the Gippsland declared region. The project will use the Impact pathways defined by DCCEEW to structure its approach and methods, and will work with DCCEEW and NOPSEMA to identify priority species and associated data needs. The project will use the recently declared Gippsland region as a case study, together with the 12 ORE impact pathways identified by DCEEW, to contextualise the quantitative modelling and cumulative risk calculations that will be performed. Outputs • Species-specific population models for key threatened and migratory species for the Gippsland ORE region [spatial outputs] • Outputs from Whole of Ecosystem (WoE) modelling [risk-based impact spatial outputs] • Final project report [written]

  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub small-scale study - "Australia’s Coastal Shorebirds: Trends and Prospects". No data outputs were generated by this project. -------------------- Coastal Australia is home to 37 regularly occurring migratory shorebird species, with many protected areas including Ramsar sites designated on the basis of shorebird populations. Many migratory shorebirds are declining rapidly, and hence the focus of conservation efforts at multiple levels of government in Australia and overseas. However, trend data are now nearly 10 years old, meaning the information available to assess where conservation actions are needed most urgently and whether conservation efforts are helping species recover are outdated. To ensure populations have the best chance at recovery and that resources are allocated where they are most likely to have the greatest positive impacts, it is critical to maintain up-to-date information on species trends. This project analysed 30 years of shorebird monitoring data collected by citizen science groups across Australia and curated by BirdLife Australia’s National Shorebird Monitoring Program to update national trend estimates, while also assessing the relative effects of human pressure and conservation efforts on population trends. In particular, it focused on 15 migratory shorebird species whose conservation status was being reassessed by the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. This project sets the stage for building the next decade of coastal shorebird conservation activity in Australia, coordinated through the national mechanism of the End User: National Migratory Shorebird Conservation Action Plan Steering Committee, with representatives from national and state governments as well as leading shorebird experts. Outputs • Fact Sheet on Australia's coastal shorebird trends and prospects [written] • Final Project Report, including a short summary of recommendations for policy makers of key findings [written]

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for the Australian Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for North-Eastern Siberian Red Knot (Calidris canutus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Swift Parrots (Lathamus discolor). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for the Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see