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The seagrass dataset has been compiled by UNEP-WCMC in collaboration with Dr Frederick T. Short, University of New Hampshire, USA to show the global distribution of seagrass species. This dataset has been created from multiple sources and was used in the creation of the “World Atlas of Seagrasses”(2003). This polygon feature dataset is an update of the data used in the Atlas and is a unique data holding about the state of the world’s seagrasses. For a complete overview of global seagrass distribution this dataset should be displayed together with the associated point dataset. Both polygon and point datasets are available to download from this record.
This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports and 4) expert knowledge/personal observation. This nationally aggregated seagrass presence/absence habitat map was produced from individual state-based habitat maps (see child records) for the purpose of publication to the AODN Data Portal.
These data describe quantitative exposure indices generated using cartographic fetch methods on a 0.01 degree grid across temperate Australia (South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania). Two indices are reported: openness and bathymetry-altered fetch. Openness is a measure of the distance of a site to the nearest coastline in all directions and describes potential exposure to locally generated seas and undefined swell. Bathymetry-altered fetch attempts to account for the attenuation of wave energy as waves move into shallow waters and encounter friction with the seafloor.
Geoscience Australia has completed the first phase of an areal map of Australia's coastal geomorphological units. Utilising pre-existing GIS datasets procured from local, state and federal government agencies, this national scale map conforms to a coastal geomorphology classification scheme developed at Geoscience Australia. Phase one consists of a geodatabase containing a series of state wide feature datasets that have been reclassified into the national coastal geomorphology classification scheme.
The data set provides outlines for the maximum extent of geomorphic units for Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone, including the offshore island territories, but not the Australian Antarctic Territory. These data were compiled as part of Geoscience Australia's integrated digital information system to provide improved accessibility and knowledge relating to the environmental management of Australia's oceans resources. The geomorphic units are to be used as surrogates for benthic habitats and can be best applied to the construction of bioregionalisations of the seabed. The data set also includes the name of units in the attribute table, where known, the source(s) of the names, feature codes and province codes as well as the area and perimeter of each unit. The data are accompanied by Geoscience Australia Record 2003/30. Updated October 2006.