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  • This record provides an overview of the scope and research output of NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Project B1 - "Road testing decision support tools via case study applications". No data outputs are expected for this project. -------------------- This project will deploy advances in decision-support to assist Commonwealth Marine Reserve managers progress the implementation of evidence-based adaptive management throughout the reserve estate. Two case studies will treat selected decision problems in detail. Specifically: • The identification of decision thresholds that may trigger a change in management, framed within Parks Australia’s performance monitoring template. • The prioritisation of information acquisition through research and monitoring. The two case studies involve coherent integration of ecological models, social and organisational value judgements, and economic analysis. Planned Outputs • Progress reports describing interim outcomes of the (a) decision thresholds and (b) research and monitoring prioritisation case studies. • At least two publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals. • Two final reports describing outcomes of the (a) decision thresholds and (b) research and monitoring prioritisation case studies. • At least two publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals. • Training and associated materials

  • This record provides an overview of the scope and research output of NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Project D1 - "Ecosystem understanding to support sustainable use, management and monitoring of marine assets in the North and North-west regions". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Effective management of marine assets requires an understanding of ecosystems and the processes that influence patterns of biodiversity. Focusing on the North and North-west regions, this project will leverage previous research to improve ecosystem understanding through a synthesis of existing information and by making testable predictions about the character and extent of conservation values, including for key ecological features (KEFs) and Commonwealth Marine Reserves. End-users and stakeholders will benefit from improved regional descriptions of marine ecosystems and uncertainty statements. In turn, this will inform prioritisation of future investments in monitoring marine ecosystems and State of the Environment reporting. Planned Outputs • A report on the synthesis (based on collations completed in 2015) of datasets and models for the North and NW identifying areas of greatest information coverage, gaps and themed to CMRs and KEFs in those regions. This report will also describe key spatial patterns in biodiversity (benthic and pelagic) and associations between benthic environments, fish and megafauna and large scale processes (e.g. oceanography). • Predictions and related products (maps) of the spatial distribution of biodiversity across the Oceanic Shoals CMR that encompasses benthic habitat, pelagic and demersal fish and megafauna communities. This will provide an example/test case at the National Prioritisation Workshop of how confidently predictive modelling can be used to describe assets and values in data poor areas to inform management and monitoring. • An updated conceptual model of ecosystem processes (benthic and pelagic) within the Oceanic Shoals CMR based on extension of modelling into pelagics. • A review of existing knowledge of the Ancient Coastline KEF. • A qualitative model of Glomar Shoal KEF (to be confirmed in consultation with DOE). • Communication products that capture activities and general interest stories of scientific results disseminated through NW Atlas social media links. • Upload of new relevant spatial data layers in NW Atlas for management and planning, and engagement with end users to maximize uptake of the NW Atlas products.

  • Google Earth KMZ files of hammerhead sharks tagged with Wildlife Computers miniPAT archival tags and SPOT6 tags. Files of animals tagged with MiniPAT tags include an MELE polygon, which is the 'Maximum extent of location estimates', that is, a polygon enclosing all position estimates at the maximum error level (100 km). Collectively, movements are restricted within state waters with no hammerheads moving across state or International boundaries.

  • This record provides an overview of the scope and research output of NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Project A5 - "Defining connectivity of Australia’s hammerhead sharks". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Hammerhead sharks are the focus of conservation management through recent listing on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS). The clear data gap for Department of the Environment and Energy (DoEE) and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is connectivity of populations across national and international jurisdictions. This project applies genetic and satellite telemetry to examine the movement and connectivity of hammerhead sharks. This will help determine use of Australian Marine Parks (AMPs) and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), and define Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) where possible. These data will be assimilated with current research to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the status of hammerhead shark populations to inform species listing and assist management and conservation policies at national and international levels. Planned Outputs • A report outlining the results of genetic and movement analysis of hammerhead shark populations in northern Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea including identification of BIAs (aggregation sites) and use of CMRs where possible; revised conceptual models of stock structure and species status assessments; and a summary of Indigenous knowledge and traditional use of hammerhead sharks. • Presentation of results to key stakeholders and end users • Policy Brief (Research Summary for Managers) that describes project outcomes • Manuscripts for scientific journals outlining the results of project components (eg, genetics, movement, Indigenous use and knowledge transfer) • Presentation of recommendations at scientific conferences • Communication of findings to the broader community via social media

  • This record provides an overview of the scope and research output of NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Project A8 - "Exploring the status of Western Australia’s sea snakes". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- All sea snakes are listed marine species under the EPBC Act and three Australian endemic species are listed as Critically Endangered or Endangered, and as such are a national conservation priority. This project examines existing data from the northwest marine region to define sea snake relative abundance and distribution patterns, including within CMRs, to refine species status. Synthesis of existing data will be useful to DOE, DPaW, Parks Australia and others. This analysis will help establish baseline data, guide future research, define abundance in and use of CMRs and refine EPBC listings and recovery plans. Planned Outputs • A report outlining the presence and relative abundance of sea snakes in northwestern Australia with a focus on reef and shoal habitats including identification of BIAs or key habitats where possible. Research and management priorities will be highlighted. • Presentation of results to key stakeholders and end users • Presentation of recommendations at scientific conferences • Communication of findings to the broader community via social media

  • CSV files of location data (position estimates) for hammerhead sharks tagged with Wildlife Computers miniPAT archival tags and SPOT6 tags. Note that miniPAT data estimates may be up to 100 km (Kevin Lay, Wildlife computers pers comm). Location estimates from archival miniPAT tags also need to be considered against ARGOS location classes (see Collectively, movements are restricted within state waters with no hammerheads moving across state or International boundaries.

  • This record provides an overview of the scope and research output of NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Project A6 - "Prioritisation of research and management needs for Australian elasmobranch species". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- NERP successfully demonstrated new ways to get the raw ingredients for evidence-based management of previously intractable species: abundance, survival, connectivity. But there is still a need to explore/demonstrate how management can use these tools (e.g. adaptive control of bycatch, or deciding if more monitoring is needed), and which species are suitable. This project comprises (i) a workshop to re-assess Australian shark and ray species in terms of degree-of-concern, state-of-knowledge-for-management, and feasibility-of-filling-knowledge-gaps; and (ii) a desk study exemplifying one pathway to management use. In 2016, we will work with DoE to prioritize species for research and explore more management pathways. Planned Outputs • A report outlining workshop findings, recommendations relative to data gaps and effective research approaches to address these gaps. • A paper demonstrating how management can use new methods to examine adaptive monitoring of bycatch to assess impact • Presentation of results to key stakeholders and end users