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  • This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Research Plan 2024 project "Assessing the vulnerability of southern right whale and blue whale populations to disturbance from windfarm developments". For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. -------------------- Australia is entering a phase of rapid offshore renewable energy development, with several marine regions earmarked for wind farms. Underwater noise generated by the construction and operation of large wind turbines may affect species such as whales that rely on their acoustic environment to feed, breed and survive. This desktop study will use available data and expert opinion to develop interim Population Consequences of Disturbance (PCoD) models for blue whales and southern right whales in relation to one or multiple offshore wind farm developments off Portland and Gippsland, Victoria. This method has been used internationally to assess the impacts of offshore wind farm developments, including for harbour porpoises in British waters. The model will follow a decision pathway to consider factors such as: • when and where development activities overlap with populations; • the proportion of populations affected; • the life stages and reproductive phases affected; and • the chances of repeated disturbance. The model will be used to predict the timing and location of cumulative impacts of the proposed activities at a regional scale, identifying which species are at ‘high-risk’ and are a priority for further research; noise levels mitigation measures required to adequately reduce the risk of compromised population viability; what research is needed to better understand population-level consequences of noise; and which mitigation measures can substantially reduce the risk of population-level effects. The PCoD model will be able to be updated as new data become available, and will be relevant for assessment against other ocean-based activities such as oil and gas infrastructure and carbon capture and storage. Outputs • PCoD model and risk assessment outputs [dataset] • Species distribution maps, as derived for existing observational data [dataset] • Final project report [written]

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Northern Royal Albatross (Diomedea sanfordi). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Swift Parrots (Lathamus discolor). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for the Australian Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for the Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see

  • This project undertook a rapid exploration of information on a priority subset of species identified by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Authority (NOPSEMA) that are listed as critically endangered or endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It specifically focused on these species in relation to the Gippsland declaration area, and the adjacent areas to the declaration area in Bass Strait. This rapid exploration of information was conducted as follows: 1) identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area; 2) identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility; 3) evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and 4) identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats. Fifteen priorities species (12 birds, 3 cetaceans) were identified for which publicly-available occurrence data could be located. This record and the attached download describes the data inventory for North-Eastern Siberian Red Knot (Calidris canutus). To download the data inventory for all fifteen priority species, see