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    This repository contains data files (netCDF format) related to the model configuration developed and used by Joan Llort between 2011 and 2019. The model is a 1D configuration based on PISCES v1 and the specific routines and namelist are here: The data in this repository is organised in two groups: - The first group contains the forcing files used to create and idealised representation of Southern Ocean water columns. Forcing files were automatically modified to force PISCES models with different mixed layer depth and iron environments. The files presented here are for a single water column but they can be modified using the python routines in the GitHub link above. - The second group contains the outputs for one of the experiments. We studied the impact of changes in ferricilne, winter mixed layer and summer mixed layer depths over Southern Ocean primary production.

  • Data collected from Southern Ocean phytoplankton laboratory culture experiments to examine the effect of iron limitation on the Chlorophyll fluorescence (F) to chlorophyll (Chl) ratio. Irradiance levels at which cultures were grown are indicated by the photon flux density (PFD). Growth rates of Fe limited cultures (-Fe) relative to Fe replete cultures (+Fe) are referred to as μ / μmax (unitless).

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    Here, we hypothesize that Fe uptake rates by sea-ice algae and under-ice phytoplankton are higher than the rates reported for open ocean phytoplankton in the SO. We performed 55Fe and carbon (14C) short-term uptake field measurements in, on and under Antarctic sea ice. We collected under ice seawater, melted snow and sea-ice cores. We then spiked them with 14C or 55Fe radiotracers to measure Fe and C uptake rates by sea-ice algae. Samples were then filtered, and residual radioactivity on the filters measured liquid scintillation counter (Packard).

  • This record presents data used in the paper 'Controls on polar Southern Ocean deep chlorophyll maxima: viewpoints from multiple observational platforms,' Philip W Boyd 𝘦𝘵. 𝘢𝘭., submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles, November 2023. All methods for the following datasets are detailed and cross-referenced in the paper. Data were collected from a range of methods, including: • vertical profiles (from 1 m resolved profiling using sensors on a CTD rosette: temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity - all calibrated) • vertical profiles (from discrete samples collected from CTD rosette or trace metal clean rosette, for nutrients, chlorophyll, POC, dissolved and particulate iron, active fluorescence, net primary productivity, biological iron uptake) • tow-body sections (undulating tow body (Triaxus) for temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity (and the ratio of chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity) • time-series observations from a robotic profiling float (BGC-ARGO) for temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and transmissivity).

  • In this dataset, we compared growth of Fraglariopsis cylindrus and Phyaeocystis antarctica collected from coastal and open ocean water at 3 °C, 5 °C and 7 °C, with and without additions of 5 nM dFe(II).