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  • In Tasmania, SCUBA surveys of seahorses populations were conducted. Intensive surveys were conducted in 2000 to 2004 in the Derwent River around Hobart (submonthly & then monthly) and twice yearly surveys from 2004/5 on east coast and Derwent River, until 2007. Mark-recapture studies were done to estimate population size, and life history parameters.

  • SCUBA surveys and mark-recapture of seahorse populations in Sydney Harbour using visible implant fluorescent elastomer.

  • Assessment of trade in Australian syngnathids was estimated from semi-structured interviews with traditional medicine merchants and aquarium businesses in Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane. A database of official records of international trade in syngnathids was also sourced from Department of Environment & Heritage (Federal).

  • Limited SCUBA surveys of weedy seadragons at Kingston, Blackman's Bay & Bicheno and spiny pipehorses at Simpson's Point, Bruny Island. Mark-recapture study of approximately 40 seadragons and 10 spiny pipehorses.

  • Landings surveys of bycatch of Solegnathus assessed from interviews with fishers in important fishing ports of NSW and Victoria, ranging from the Brunswick-Byron co-op to Portland in Victoria.

  • The aim of this study is to use artificial boulders in the form of sandstone blocks to investigate the benthic cryptofaunal communities of subtidal rocky reefs; specifically to quantify temporal and spatial patterns, the influence of the sub-block reef profile, and protection from fishing on these animals at locations inside and external to the Maria Island marine reserve in eastern Tasmania.

  • The data is a collection of reef habitat structure measurements from sites around Tasmania with regional snapshots from Jurien Bay (WA) and Jervis Bay (NSW). Explanatory variables investigated were depth, duration of protection from fishing within marine protected area, rugosity, boulder substratum at a site, the average number of refuge size categories, and a fractal refuge index that reflected the frequency distribution of different sized physical refuges. Also considered were biogenic habitat structure in the form of the percent cover of canopy algae and the biomass of predatory fish.