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Dive surveys using strip transects are used to determine species composition, size structure and abundance of scallops, with surveys conducted pre- and/or post fishing season. In addition, post season telephone surveys of recreational scallop dive licence-holders are conducted to collect information about scallop diving activity (including days fished, location and success), and a range of management-related issues (eg. attitudes to management options, communication strategies).
The southern calamari data-set includes all biological data (including length, weight, sex, maturity stage, egg size, and some age information) for southern calamari collected primarily from the east and southeast coasts of Tasmania.
For hatchery reared striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) data has been collected on length, weight, age, growth, size at metamorphosis, survival in relation to fish density, nutrition, health and system operation (tank size, water volume and quality, oxygen content).
Data collected includes growth, survival, development (swim bladder inflation, flexion, metamorphosis), health, water quality, systems (tank size etc), nutrition (live feeds, lipids, vitamins) for hatchery reared striped trumpeter (Latris lineata).