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    This repository contains data files (netCDF format) related to the model configuration developed and used by Joan Llort between 2011 and 2019. The model is a 1D configuration based on PISCES v1 and the specific routines and namelist are here: The data in this repository is organised in two groups: - The first group contains the forcing files used to create and idealised representation of Southern Ocean water columns. Forcing files were automatically modified to force PISCES models with different mixed layer depth and iron environments. The files presented here are for a single water column but they can be modified using the python routines in the GitHub link above. - The second group contains the outputs for one of the experiments. We studied the impact of changes in ferricilne, winter mixed layer and summer mixed layer depths over Southern Ocean primary production.

  • Data was collected and processed for the project: "Assessment and communication of risks to Tasmanian aquaculture and fisheries from marine heatwaves". Observational data is from NOAA OISST v2.1 (1982-2020), and model data is from 25 CMIP6 models over the historical period (from 1982-2014), with SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 extensions (out to 2100). Raw sea surface temperature data truncated to the Tasmanian region: 138-155E, 49-35S. Time-series of subdomain area averages are also provided, along with calendar corrections, mean-bias corrections, and seasonal bias corrections for the model data. Further details are provided in Kajtar, J.B. and Holbrook, N.J. (2021): "Future projections of marine heatwave hazards to aquaculture and fisheries in Tasmania", Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia. 36pp. ISBN: 978-1-922708-06-9.

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    This data set consists of a scored time-series of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) images from the Bicheno region on the east coast of Tasmania. Surveys were conducted between 2011 and 2016 within the Governor Island Marine Reserve and nearby sites outside the reserve. Governor Island was surveyed in 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2016. The outside sites of Trap Reef, Cape Lodi and Butlers Point were surveyed in 2011, 2013 and 2016. Imagery across all surveys was scored for the presence of Centrostephanus rodgersii urchin barrens across rocky reef at each site. Prior to analysis the data was subsetted to every fifth image to avoid overlapping images. The data set also contains depth information for each image and a measure of rugosity (Vector Rugosity Measure) computed in ArcGIS software from a one metre resolution bathymetric map covering the survey sites. Analysis was conducted to examine the trend in the presence of barrens through time and to compare the occurrence of barrens inside the Governor Island Marine Reserve with sites outside the reserve. A spatio-temporal model incorporating both spatial and temporal correlation in the time-series of data was used. This data set contains the scored data used in the analysis. Further details of the methods used and results are contained in the following article. Please cite any use of the data or code by citing this article: Perkins NR, Hosack GR, Foster SD, Monk J, Barrett NS (2020) Monitoring the resilience of a no-take marine reserve to a range extending species using benthic imagery. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0237257.