Department of Water (DoW), Western Australian Government
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This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Walpole-Nornalup Inlet seagrass survey data are: WA_WalpNorn_SAV_sites - point dataset of species presence/absence and survey methodology at each site. WA_WalpNorn_SAV_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover in polygons derived from site points.
Repeat surveys of aquatic flora were conducted in Princess Royal Harbour in 1996, 2003, 2005 and 2006. This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were initially conducted by the WA Department of Water. The objectives of the study were to map the distribution of the different seagrass species found in Princess Royal Harbour and Oyster Harbour and to compare the distributions with that observed in previous studies (1996 and 2003). This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. Surveys were conducted again in January and March 2021 by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation as "Princess Royal Harbour Seagrass Survey". The datasets making up the 1996-2006 Princess Royal Harbour seagrass survey data are: WA_PrincessRoyal_seagrass_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover of seagrass. This record provides access to the initial WA DoW surveys. See associated DWER records in Data WA catalogue for access to newer surveys at this site.
This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Beaufort Inlet seagrass survey data are: WA_Beaufort_SAV_sites - point dataset of species presence/absence and survey methodology at each site. WA_Beaufort_SAV_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover in polygons derived from site points.
This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Stokes Inlet seagrass survey data are: WA_Stokes_SAV_sites - point dataset of species presence/absence and survey methodology at each site. WA_Stokes_SAV_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover in polygons derived from site points.
This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Irwin Inlet seagrass survey data are: WA_Irwin_SAV_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover of Ruppia spp.
This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Swan-Canning Estuary seagrass survey data are: WA_SwanCanning_SAVhab_polygons - polygon dataset showing areas of seagrass habitat derived from aerial imagery
This data is part of the 2013 report "Synthesis of seagrass mapping studies" conducted by the Water Science Branch of the Department of Water. Surveys were conducted by the WA Department of Water together with Geoscience Australia. The objective of these surveys was to collect baseline data on seagrass composition and distribution in key estuaries of southern and south-western WA. This data was acquired by the ACEAS Seagrass Group as part of the 2013 Australia-wide risk assessment of Seagrass. The datasets making up the Wellstead Estuary seagrass survey data are: WA_Wellstead_SAV_sites - point dataset of species presence/absence and survey methodology at each site. WA_Wellstead_SAV_polygons - polygon dataset showing interpolated percentage cover in polygons derived from site points.
This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005
This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005.
This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports and 4) expert knowledge/personal observation.