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Timed GPS-tracked swims using SCUBA (45 and 30 minutes), were used to assess the changes in frequency and size of Centrostephanus rodgerii incipient barrens in eastern Tasmania. The number of C. rodgerii and Heliocidaris erythrogramma in each incipient barren were also assessed.
In 2006, transect surveys were conducted at sites in eastern inshore Tasmanian waters at depths and habitats typical of those where abalone are commercially fished. Surveys focused on four areas of the Tasmanian coastline including St Helens, Bicheno and Dunalley on the east coast and the Actaeons region on the south-east coast; with at least 10 reefs sampled in each region.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites. Substrate and habitat type were recorded using video analysis, with 4 categories of urchin barren habitat recognised (see below for definitions).
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Four-mile Creek region, and its 3 subsites: Falmouth, Ironhouse Point and Saltwater Inlet.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Eddystone Point region, and its 3 subsites: Georges Bay, Lighthouse Point and Purdon.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Fortescue Bay region, and its 3 subsites: Lanterns, Munroe Bight and Thumbs.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Wineglass Bay region, and its 3 subsites: Boot, Nuggets and Wineglass.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Schouten Island, and its 3 subsites: Baudin, Sarah and Sonerat.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Recherche region, and its 3 subsites: Eliza Point, Fisher Point and Actaeons.
The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Nubeena region, and its 3 subsites: Cape Raoul, Salters Point and Wedge.