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Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) commercial fishery catch by block (in tonnes) and nominal Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, in kg/pot lift) per lobster fishing block per year for all depths. The data was retrieved from the Tasmanian Wild Fisheries Assessments site ( Tasmanian wild fisheries stock assessments are conducted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre of the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) on behalf of the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas). Under the Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA), IMAS conduct fishery assessments, provide expert management advice and undertake scientific research on Tasmanian fisheries issues for NRE Tas.
Purple wrasse (Notolabrus fuciola) commercial catch (in tonnes), commercial effort (in number of days fished), and commercial Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, in kg/day fished) by fishing season per NRE scalefish fishery fishing block for all gear types combined. The dataset was provided by the Tasmanian Wild Fisheries Assessments team at IMAS. Tasmanian wild fisheries stock assessments are conducted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre of the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) on behalf of the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas). Under the Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA), IMAS conduct fishery assessments, provide expert management advice and undertake scientific research on Tasmanian fisheries issues for NRE Tas.
Snook (Sphyraena novaehollandiae) commercial catch (in tonnes), commercial effort (in number of days fished), and commercial Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, in kg/day fished) by fishing season per NRE scalefish fishery fishing block for all gear types combined. The dataset was provided by the Tasmanian Wild Fisheries Assessments team at IMAS. Tasmanian wild fisheries stock assessments are conducted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre of the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) on behalf of the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas). Under the Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA), IMAS conduct fishery assessments, provide expert management advice and undertake scientific research on Tasmanian fisheries issues for NRE Tas.
Bluethroat wrasse (Notolabrus tetricus) commercial catch (in tonnes), commercial effort (in number of days fished), and commercial Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, in kg/day fished) by fishing season per NRE scalefish fishery fishing block for all gear types combined. The dataset was provided by the Tasmanian Wild Fisheries Assessments team at IMAS. Tasmanian wild fisheries stock assessments are conducted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre of the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) on behalf of the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas). Under the Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA), IMAS conduct fishery assessments, provide expert management advice and undertake scientific research on Tasmanian fisheries issues for NRE Tas.
1. Workforce Tasmania’s commercial fishing industry workforce is defined as those people engaged in economic activity (work) within the sector across or at a given time, either in paid employment or self-employment. For fisheries this includes skippers and crew employed as sub-contractors and paid on a share of catch arrangement. It can include people engaged in unpaid work undertaken as part of these activities, although this has not been included in this assessment. Monitoring workforce changes is important because these changes indicate changes in social and economic benefits at a statewide and regional community level. Factors which affect workforce size include the extent to which a policy of maximizing technical efficiency is pursued through management, which typically reduces the fleet size and therefore the number of people employed. Other factors include the level of stock availability and access, the cost of entry into the fishery, and the financial profitability of fishing. Because of these factors, many fishers are engaged in employment in multiple fisheries or other marine sectors in order to supplement fishing incomes and pursue full-time employment. 1.1. Abalone The commercial harvesters catching abalone species operate within the Tasmanian Abalone Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. The data provided for this fishery is for the Tasmanian Abalone Fishery as a whole, which includes harvesting activity for this species as well as all other species caught in this fishery. 1.2. Commercial Dive species The commercial harvesters catching these species operate within the Tasmanian Commercial Dive Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. The data provided here is for the Tasmanian Commercial Dive species as well as all other species caught in this fishery. 1.3. Giant crab species The commercial harvesters catching giant crab operate within the Tasmanian Giant Crab Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. 1.4. Scalefish species The commercial harvesters catching this scalefish species operate within the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. The data provided here is for the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery as a whole, which includes harvesting activity for this species as well as all other species caught in this fishery. 1.5. Scallop species The commercial harvesters catching species of scallop operate within the Tasmanian Scallop Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. 1.6. Southern rock lobster The commercial harvesters catching southern rock lobster operate within the Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishery. Assessment of workforce indicators is undertaken at fishery level. 2. Workforce Indicators 2.1. Persons Workforce size (the total number of people directly employed) includes both skippers and crew, and those employed full time and part time. 2.2. Employment FTE The number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions in each fishery is also estimated. This indicator shows that while a higher number of people may be employed in a fishery, some of these jobs may be part-time. Therefore, the number of FTEs is typically lower than the number of people in the workforce. In this iteration of the dataset, this value is unavailable for the abalone fishery in 2016, 2017, and 2019, and does not apply to the scallop fishery in any of the years available (2016-2020). 2.3. Active Supers The number of supervisors (skippers) employed in the fishery. 2.4. Harvest Units (TAS HP) The number of harvest units (combination of licensed vessel and fishing entitlement) active in a fleet and the number of people who actively harvest fish as supervisors (skippers) in a commercial fishery are directly linked to the size of the workforce in each fishery. In many cases, multiple supervisors may be linked to the same harvest unit, so the number of supervisors is often higher.
The following dataset contains particulate iron data collected during the 2018 occupation of the CLIVAR SR03 (GEOTRACES GS01) transect south of Tasmania, Australia. This data is used ancillary to measurements of dissolved iron in the same transect for a manuscript in preparation by Traill et al. (2023). While modelling efforts have furthered our understanding of marine iron biogeochemistry and its influence on carbon sequestration, observations of dissolved iron (dFe) and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological processes in the ocean are needed to both validate and inform model parameterisation. Where iron comes from, how it is transported and recycled, and where iron removal takes place, are critical mechanisms that need to be understood to assess the relationship between iron availability and primary production. To this end, hydrographic and trace metal observations across the GO-SHIP section SR3, south of Tasmania, Australia, have been analysed in tandem with the novel application of an optimum multiparameter analysis. From the trace-metal distribution south of Australia, key differences in the drivers of dFe between oceanographic zones of the Southern Ocean were identified. In the subtropical zone, the source of dFe was constrained by waters advected off the continental shelf, and by remineralization in recirculated modified mode and intermediate water masses of the Tasman Outflow. In the subantarctic zone, the seasonal replenishment of dFe in Antarctic surface and mode waters appears to be sustained by iron recycling in the underlying mode and intermediate waters. In the southern zone, the dFe distribution is likely driven by dissolution and scavenging by high concentrations of particles along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope, entrained in high salinity shelf water. This approach to trace metal analysis may prove useful in future transects for identifying key mechanisms driving marine dissolved trace metal distributions.
Globally, terrestrially-breeding marine predators have experienced shifts in species distribution, prey availability, breeding phenology, and population dynamics due to climate change. These central-place foragers are restricted within proximity of their breeding colonies during the breeding season, making them highly susceptible to any changes in both marine and terrestrial environments. While ecologists have developed risk assessments to assess likely climate risk in various contexts, these often overlook critical breeding biology data. To address this knowledge gap, we developed a trait-based risk assessment framework, focusing on the breeding season and applying it to marine predators breeding in parts of Australian territory and Antarctica. Our objectives were to quantify climate change risk, identify specific threats, and establish an adaptable framework. The assessment considered 25 criteria related to three risk components: vulnerability, exposure, and hazard, while accounting for uncertainty. We employed a scoring system that integrated a systematic literature review and expert elicitation for the hazard criteria. Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis was conducted to identify key factors contributing to overall risk. Our results identified shy albatross (Thalassarche cauta), southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome), Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus), and Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) with high climate urgency. Species breeding in lower latitudes as well as certain eared seal, albatross, and penguin species were particularly at risk. Hazard and exposure explained the most variation in relative risk, outweighing vulnerability. Key climate hazards affecting most species include extreme weather events, changes in habitat suitability, and prey availability. We emphasise the need for further research, focusing on at-risk species, and filling knowledge gaps (less-studied hazard criteria, and/or species) to provide a more accurate and robust climate change risk assessment. Our findings offer valuable insights for conservation efforts, given monitoring and implementing climate adaptation strategies for land-dependent marine predators is more feasible during their breeding season.
This data presents the economic contribution of six key fisheries and aquaculture production sectors to the Tasmanian economy. These six fisheries and aquaculture sectors are: - Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishery; - Tasmanian Abalone Fishery; - Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery; - Tasmanian Salmonid Aquaculture; - Tasmanian Pacific Oyster Aquaculture; and - Tasmanian Abalone Aquaculture. The economic contribution of these fisheries and aquaculture sectors are measured through the following indicators: - Gross Value Added (GVA) - Contribution to Household Income - Number of persons employed - Contribution to the total full-time equivalent (FTE) workforce The work was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania in collaboration with BDO and builds on the foundations and approach set out in 2017/18 National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC 2017-210). To generate the values for the indicators listed above, the framework recommended in Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry: Economic Contributions Estimates - Practitioner Guidelines 2019 (IMAS 2020) was applied. For the analysis in this report, the contribution of immediate processing or farm gate retail activity is not included. The estimates are based on the best available information at the time of writing and apply input-output modelling (developed by BDO) that uses the economic profiles and conversion to basic prices as provided by IMAS. The study was conducted to contribute to the measuring and monitoring of the contribution of Tasmania’s seafood production activities to the economic prosperity and wellbeing of Tasmanians. Understanding the economic contribution of the seafood processing sector is a significant area for further research in advancing our knowledge of the economy broadly associated with fishing and aquaculture in Tasmania.