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    This repository contains data files (netCDF format) related to the model configuration developed and used by Joan Llort between 2011 and 2019. The model is a 1D configuration based on PISCES v1 and the specific routines and namelist are here: The data in this repository is organised in two groups: - The first group contains the forcing files used to create and idealised representation of Southern Ocean water columns. Forcing files were automatically modified to force PISCES models with different mixed layer depth and iron environments. The files presented here are for a single water column but they can be modified using the python routines in the GitHub link above. - The second group contains the outputs for one of the experiments. We studied the impact of changes in ferricilne, winter mixed layer and summer mixed layer depths over Southern Ocean primary production.

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    This dataset is a compilation of published records of 230Thorium - normalised lithogenic and biogenic fluxes from the Southern Ocean, south of 30S. All age models and derived fluxes were taken as published. Lithogenic fluxes are based on 232Th concentrations. Opal and carbonate fluxes are also included where available. In some cases fluxes had to be derived from published data. LGM values for each core represent an average of observations between 28 - 18 ka BP and Holocene values represent an average of observations from 10 - 0 ka BP. These data were collated as part of modelling study of the Southern Ocean during the LGM (Saini et al, Southern Ocean ecosystem response to Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions, Submitted to Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2021)