Purple wrasse
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Purple wrasse (Notolabrus fuciola) commercial catch (in tonnes), commercial effort (in number of days fished), and commercial Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, in kg/day fished) by fishing season per NRE scalefish fishery fishing block for all gear types combined. The dataset was provided by the Tasmanian Wild Fisheries Assessments team at IMAS. Tasmanian wild fisheries stock assessments are conducted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre of the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) on behalf of the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas). Under the Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA), IMAS conduct fishery assessments, provide expert management advice and undertake scientific research on Tasmanian fisheries issues for NRE Tas.