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  • It is recognised that Indigenous communities are likely to be impacted by Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) wind farm developments. This work conducted a desktop study to identify Traditional Owner interests in areas adjacent to current ORE development areas. The purpose of the work was to gauge the extent of existing knowledge on cultural values and list appropriate avenues for future engagement with Traditional Owners to better understand the potential impact of ORE developments. This included identifying existing Sea Country plans for these communities, identifying existing information on cultural values, investigating Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property, and further notes on preferred methods of engagement for these Indigenous communities potentially impacted by ORE developments. This raw spreadsheet of compiled information is withheld due to cultural sensitivities, but a synthesis of information will be available in the Project 3.3 final report once finalised (estimated May-June 2024). Please contact the NESP Data Wrangler (Southern node) to discuss access to the raw spreadsheet of information: