Broadscale effects of marine salmonid aquaculture on macrobenthos and the sediment environment in Tasmania between 1998 and 2003
A comparison was made of sediments and associated macrobenthos at sites sampled within 42 fish farm leases distributed across Tasmania. Several key biotic and abiotic metrics recommended in previous studies for assessing environmental impacts of fish farm waste were investigated.
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 2007-11-09T00:00:00
Principal investigator
Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) - Edgar, Graham, Dr
Private Bag 49
- Purpose
- This study assessed the efficacy of a variety of physical and biological metrics in discriminating fish farm impacts at different distances from cages, with emphasis on the more distant effects.
- Credit
- Adam Davey, Aquenal Pty Ltd.
- Credit
- Colin Shepherd, Marine Farming Branch, Department of Primary Industries and Water
- Credit
- Aquenal Pty Ltd.
- Credit
- Tassal Operations Ltd.
- Credit
- Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd.
- Credit
- AMD Pty Ltd.
- Credit
- Dom O.Brien
- Credit
- Aquatas Pty Ltd.
- Status
- Completed
Principal investigator
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS) - Edgar, Graham, Dr
IMAS - Taroona
Private Bag 49
- Topic category
- Biota
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 1997-01-01T15:04:00 2004-12-31T15:04:00
Vertical element
- Minimum value
- 7
- Maximum value
- 47
- Identifier
- EPSG::5715
- Name
- MSL depth
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
Resource format
- Title
- Microsoft Excel
- Date
- Edition
- 2003
- Global Change Master Directory Earth Science Keywords v.5.3.8
- Oceans | Marine Sediments | Sediment Composition
- Oceans | Marine Sediments | Sediment Grain Size
- Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Nitrogen
- Agriculture | Agricultural Aquatic Sciences | Aquaculture
- Global Change Master Directory Earth Science Keywords v.5.3.8
- Biosphere | Zoology | Crustaceans
- Biosphere | Zoology | Mollusks
- Biosphere | Zoology | Echinoderms
- Keywords (Taxon)
- Polychaetes
- Keywords (Theme)
- Environmental monitoring
- Impact assessment
- Introduced species
- Redox
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC): Fields of Research
- Keywords (Theme)
- Total number of individuals per sample
- Total number of species per sample
- Particle size
- Organic matter percentage
- Redox potential
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The data described in this record are the intellectual property of the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment.
Resource constraints
- Linkage
License Graphic
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License
- Website
License Text
- Other constraints
- The citation in a list of references is: citation author name/s (year metadata published), metadata title. Citation author organisation/s. File identifier and Data accessed at (add http link).
- Other constraints
- For access to the data please contact the researcher.
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
- Supplemental Information
- Edgar, GJ, Davey, A and Shepherd C. Broadscale effects of marine salmonid aquaculture and introduced pests on macrobenthos and the sediment environment in Tasmania between 1998 and 2003. Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI), Internal Report 2009. Edgar, GJ and MacLeod, C and Mawbey, RB and Shields, D, ‘Broad-scale effects of marine salmonid aquaculture on macrobenthos and the sediment environment in southeastern Tasmania’, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 327 (1) pp. 70-90. ISSN 0022-0981 (2005) Edgar, GJ and Davey, A and Shepherd, C, ‘Application of biotic and abiotic indicators for detecting benthic impacts of marine salmonid farming among coastal regions of Tasmania’, Aquaculture , 307 (3-4) pp. 212-218. ISSN 0044-8486 (2010)
Content Information
- Content type
- Physical measurement
- Name
Total number of individuals per sample
- Name
Total number of species per sample
- Name
Particle size
- Name
Organic matter percentage
- Name
Redox potential
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel
Resource lineage
- Statement
- Environmental and biological data were obtained in collaboration with, and in some cases by, salmonid farm operators from 42 separate farm lease locations distributed in six regions around Tasmania. Sampling primarily occurred from 1998 to 2003, although two farm leases were sampled in 1997 and a single lease in 2004. Farm leases varied in size and production capacity but were typically 20-60 ha, with 6-20 cages (26-36 m in diameter) stocked per lease. Cages were periodically moved within farm lease areas, with rotation times of 12-36 months. Depths of sites studied ranged from 7 m to 47 m, with mean of 20 m. Triplicate macrofaunal samples were collected < 5 m apart at each site using a Van Veen grab (0.07 m2 surface area) or diver operated corer (150mm diameter) pushed into the sediment to a depth of 100mm. Samples were sieved in the field using a 1 mm mesh sieve, and retained material placed into vials and fixed with 5% buffered formalin. In the laboratory, the collected material was washed through a stacked series of sieves (1, 1.4, 2, 2.8 and 4 mm) using the methods described by Edgar (1990). Material retained on each sieve was sorted, with animals separated into species groups and counted. A Craib corer was used alongside the Van Veen grab at each site to collect triplicate sediment cores (43 mm in diameter) for analysis of sediment properties. Redox potential was measured in millivolts at the surface of the sediment and at 40 mm depth below the sediment surface. After redox measurements were completed, two sub-samples were separated from each Craib core. The top 30 mm of sediment was collected in a vial for analysis of organic content, %C, %N, stable isotope ratios and particle size. The next 70 mm was used for particle size analysis only. The two samples comprising the top 100 mm of each sediment core were combined for particle size analysis.
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Metadata identifier
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2015-09-03T15:50:04
- Date info (Revision)
- 2015-09-03T15:50:04
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-3:2018
Spatial extent
Provided by
Associated resources
Not available