State-of-Knowledge data quality ratings for Australian Marine Parks [Seamap Australia]
An assessment was made of the state of research knowledge in the Australian Marine Parks (2022 boundaries). This quality assessment is specifically of the suitability of data streams for deriving habitat maps.
Five nationally-aggregated data streams were used in the assessment:
(1) Seamap Australia (seafloor habitat)
(2) AusSeabed bathymetry survey extents (bathymetry mapping)
(3) Squidle+ imagery deployments (habitat observations)
(4) GlobalArchive video deployments (habitat observations)
(5) Geoscience Australia's Marine Sediment Database (MARS)
From these data streams, quality ratings (0-5) have been made for the state of research knowledge for three research disciplines:
(A) bathymetry maps;
(B) habitat observations; and
(C) habitat maps.
Data quality assessments are reported for each AMP Network and Park. Assessments can be accessed in context at, via the State-of-Knowledge functionality in the Seamap Australia mapping portal:, or as a stand-alone file in the 'Downloads' section of this record. This data is live and is refreshed weekly.
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 2023-02-20
- Credit
- Australian Government’s Our Marine Parks Grant
- Status
- On going
Point of contact
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Oceans
- Biota

Temporal extent
- Time period
- 1950-01-01
Vertical element
- Minimum value
- 0
- Maximum value
- 7000
- Identifier
- EPSG::5715
- Name
- MSL depth
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Keywords
- management
- State of Knowledge
- boundaries
- assessment
- Parks Australia
- NASA/GCMD Keywords, Version 8.5
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Resource constraints
- Linkage
License Graphic
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- Website
License Text
- Other constraints
- This dataset is a live product and represents the current state of research knowledge from multiple research data streams - when citing this resource, also quote the date of access of the resource.
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Distribution Information
Resource lineage
- Statement
- Data is fetched weekly via an automated process from the following WFS endpoints: ---HABITAT OBSERVATIONS--- • Squidle+: • GlobalArchive: • MARS: ---BATHYMETRY--- AusSeabed bathymetry holdings are fetched on an ad-hoc basis (last updated March 2023) ---HABITAT--- • Seamap Australia National Benthic Habitat Layer: A weighting for suitability for habitat mapping is then applied to each of the data streams. -- HABITAT OBSERVATIONS--- Scores are based on number of deployments (video, imagery) and number of samples (sediment) with the following weightings applied: Temporal currency: • 3x for <3 years old • 1.5x for 3-5 years old • 1x for >5 years old Public/openness: • 2x for annotated and public (SQ+/GA) or analysed (MARS) • 1.5x for annotated and private (SQ+/GA) • 1x for unannotated/unanalysed/private Observations count: • multiplied by image count for Squidle+ deployments • 1x for MARS samples and GlobalArchive deployments Distinct location: • only samples/deployments separated by 5m or more are considered distinct (otherwise count=1) ---BATHYMETRY--- Score is based on the coverage of bathymetry surveys with the following weightings applied: Resolution weighting: • 6x for 2m or less: 6x • 5x for 2-10m: 5x • 4x for 11-20m: 4x • 3x for21-50m: 3x • 2x for 51-100m: 2x • 1x for > 100m or unknown/unpublished ---HABITAT--- Score is based on the coverage of habitat maps only. The scores from Squidle+, GlobalArchive and MARS data streams are summed to derive a single score for 'Habitat Observations' . Each discipline score (Habitat Observations, Bathymetry, Habitat) is then divided by the planar area of the AMP Network or Park to derive a "score per unit area". Finally, to achieve the standardised 0-100 score, each score is divided by the maximum score for that boundary type (Network or Park) and multiplied by 100 such that the highest-performing Network or Park will achieve a score of 100 and all other regions are rated relative to the top-performing region.
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Metadata identifier
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2023-07-20T23:10:28
- Date info (Revision)
- 2023-12-05T11:53:27
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-3:2018

Spatial extent

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